Local people are invited to have their say on proposals for a Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan, which would set out planning policies for future development in the area.
Todmorden is a market town in Calderdale with a rich history, a vibrant town centre and a grand Town Hall. It’s home to around 15,000 people and the steeply sloping local landscape has informed development patterns and styles over many centuries and continues today.
Todmorden Town Council has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the town, which sets out the vision, objectives, aspirations and policies for the growth of Todmorden over the next 9 years.
The Town Council has formally submitted their proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan to Calderdale Council and local people are invited to have their say on the plan and associated documents.
The consultation period runs until Monday 25 March 2024 and documents can be viewed online and comments can be submitted at Consultation Portal(external link). Documents are available to download from Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan webpage and printed copies are available at Todmorden Library.
Comments can also be submitted by email to spatial.planning@calderdale.gov.uk or by post to Spatial Planning, Calderdale Council, Town Hall, Halifax, HX1 1UJ. Comments should be received no later than 5pm on Monday 25 March 2024.
The plan has been produced on behalf of the local community following extensive consultation and aims to address key local issues, reflect local aspirations, and meet the needs of the town’s diverse communities. Some of the aims forming part of the plan, include:
- Securing the right type and size of houses to meet the present and future needs of the community.
- Protecting valuable employment sites and unlocking new ones.
- Encouraging and supporting small businesses.
- Undertaking tree planting and peat restoration and limiting surface water run-off.
- Improving air quality and reducing Co2 emissions.
- Reducing congestion and the impact on the road network.
- Promoting and encouraging community events and festivals within the town centre.
Following the consultation, the plan will be assessed by an independent examiner before being subject to a local referendum. If adopted, the plan will form part of the Local Plan and be used to guide local planning decisions.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Active Travel and Housing, Cllr Scott Patient, said:
“Innovation and resilience has been at the heart of Todmorden since the town’s major growth at the time of the Industrial Revolution. This willingness to adapt to a changing world, whilst retaining the qualities which make the town special, is also key to the draft Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan.
“The plan has been developed by Todmorden Town Council, in consultation with local people and businesses. It looks to ensure that new development, as part of necessary growth, is appropriate and sustainable and should complement and reinforce the existing character of the town.
“This consultation will enable people to have their say on the plan and its proposals. The feedback will then be collated and submitted with the plan to an independent examination before progressing to a local referendum.”
Please note any comments submitted as part of the consultation will be made publicly available and cannot be confidential. The Privacy Notice can be viewed at Spatial Planning Team – Planning Policy – privacy notice | Calderdale Council
Calderdale’s Local Plan supports the Vision 2024 for Calderdale themes of distinctiveness, resilience and enterprise. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Get involved on X with #VisionCdale2024 and find out more at www.calderdale.gov.uk/visionENDS