Calderdale Council is developing a strategic vision for Brighouse and Rastrick, as work continues on the development of the Local Plan.
The Council is now gathering evidence, which will be submitted with the Local Plan, on areas of Calderdale which are suitable for sustainable development.
The ‘Vision for South East Calderdale’ identifies potential sites for new homes on the Southern and North Eastern sides of Brighouse, to create ‘garden suburbs’ which would include new homes and improved local facilities such as schools and parkland.
Major improvements to the highways network around Brighouse are already being planned, including to the A641, A644 and potentially also a new M62 junction 24a being delivered through the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Environment, Cllr Daniel Sutherland said:
“The Local Plan is an opportunity for us to strategically manage development in the borough, to enable us to meet the needs of future generations, whilst at the same time protecting green spaces and creating new attractive places to live and work.
“The improvements to the highways network around Brighouse will help open up sites around the town for new housing and will stimulate further economic growth by enhancing current links to areas of employment such as Armytage Road and the Clifton Enterprise Zone.”
The government requires local councils to produce a Local Plan which identifies land to meet their requirements for new housing and economic development over the next 15 years.
The latest estimates indicate that Calderdale will need over 17,000 new homes by 2032. The Local Plan will show sites where new development, including housing, new schools and community facilities will be allowed and the areas which will be protected.
Officers are now drafting the Local Plan, and putting together the supporting documents containing evidence and assessments. This Draft Plan will be published in Spring 2017 for public consultation.
In December 2017 the Council will submit the Local Plan, together with comments from the public, to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). Adoption of the plan by Calderdale Council is expected to be confirmed by the end of 2018.