Residents and businesses in and around Hipperholme, Northowram, Shelf and the wider north-east Calderdale area are being asked to share their thoughts on how transport and the local environment could be improved.
Calderdale Council is exploring new ideas for potential improvements, with a view to securing future funding to address transport related issues in the area.
Hipperholme crossroads and the junctions at Stump Cross and Stone Chair are notoriously busy resulting in traffic congestion, delays and air quality issues. We particularly want to hear ideas from people living and working in these areas about how these issues might be addressed. There are also currently few facilities for people choosing to walk or cycle and public transport options are limited.
Over the next 12 months, the Council plan to develop and submit a proposal to seek further funding to help improve travel and enhance accessibility and connectivity for all modes of transport whilst at the same time protecting the environment for the residents and business owners.
Local residents and businesses are being asked to share their thoughts about specific travel issues they have in the area, suggestions for improvements and also ways in which they’d like to be kept informed about the project’s future.
Feedback on issues and opportunities will help to build on existing knowledge and inform development of potential measures to improve the transport network for all users.
The feedback received at this time will be used to identify potential proposals and subject to securing future funding, further engagement and consultation will take place.
People can have their say at https://hipperholmeandnortheastcalderdale.commonplace.is/(external link) Alternatively people can email transportplanning@sweco.co.uk The closing date for feedback is Monday 20 December 2021.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“We want to improve transport and travel options for people living and working in Hipperholme and surrounding areas and understand and address current issues experienced. We also want to help encourage greater levels of walking, cycling and public transport use.
“This work is at an early stage, but it’s important that any proposals are shaped by local people who best understand the issues experienced in this area. We’re asking people to get in touch and share their experiences and suggestions for improvements to help inform bids to fund improvement proposals.”