Calderdale Council is inviting people to get involved and have their say on the latest plans for Halifax leisure centre.
Plans for a brand new complex on the site of the existing North Bridge Leisure Centre, have been developed and progressed as part of the Calderdale Next Chapter transformation programme.
The centre aims to deliver both a sports and leisure provision that contributes to improving the health and wellbeing of Calderdale’s residents by offering a wide range of opportunities.
Public consultation on initial proposals took place in 2018 where the Council received over 1,600 responses. This feedback has been incorporated in to the latest designs and to ensure that the new leisure centre meets the needs of the Calderdale community, further consultation is now taking place before plans are developed further.
The latest design proposals will be on display at three public drop-in events in March, where people are invited to attend, speak to the development team, and share their views.
Thursday 12 March 2020 – North Bridge Leisure Centre, Halifax – 4.30-7pm
Wednesday 18 March 2020 – Halifax Town Hall – 3.30-7pm
Thursday 19 March 2020 – Halifax Swimming Pool – 4.30 – 8pm
There will also be opportunity to feedback on the current draft plans via the Calderdale Next Chapter website http://calderdalenextchapter.co.uk/projects/halifax-leisure-centre(external link) Consultation closes on Wednesday 1 April.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“These exciting proposals for new leisure centre facilities in Halifax show the great potential of the North Bridge site.
“Plans are still being developed for the site and as part of this consultation we welcome people’s ideas for included facilities in the new centre.
“We want Calderdale to be the most active borough in the North by 2024. To help achieve this ambitious target, it’s important that leisure facilities meet the needs of the people who will be using them.
“I’d like to encourage people to get involved and have their say about these proposals to ensure that we can develop a state-of-the-art facility that is not only fit for the future but has also been shaped by current and future users.”
Following this consultation process, feedback will be used in the preparation of detailed designs, which will then be submitted for planning consent.
For more information about these and other exciting developments in Calderdale, visit www.calderdalenextchapter.co.uk(external link)
For more information about Active Calderdale visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/active-calderdale
The Next Chapter and Active Calderdale help to form Calderdale’s Vision 2024. But where do we want to be by 2024? What’s our ambition and what will be different? Get involved with the debate on twitter with #VisionCdale2024 and find out more https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/council/vision-2024