A major new document showing how Calderdale Council will improve life for residents, businesses and visitors at a time of significant challenge, will be discussed at its next Cabinet meeting.
On Monday 12 September, Cabinet Members will be asked to approve Calderdale Council’s Corporate Plan 2022-2024.
The plan outlines how the Council, together with other organisations and local communities, will achieve the Vision 2024 for Calderdale and the three Cabinet priorities to reduce inequalities, develop thriving towns, and take action to tackle the climate emergency.
Cllr Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council’s Deputy Leader, said:
“Aspiration, optimism and progress are highlighted throughout the Corporate Plan, because we are ambitious for our communities and our distinctive borough. We want Calderdale to be a diverse and inclusive place where people have hope, jobs, good health and can reach their potential, where businesses thrive, and where the environment is protected.
“However, the plan is also realistic, addressing the challenges that face local people and the Council such as the COVID-19 recovery, the cost of living crisis and unprecedented demand for our services alongside increasing cost pressures.
“The Corporate Plan is a clear statement of how we’ll use our limited resources to drive change, especially for our most disadvantaged communities. It is more urgent than ever that we set out our priorities to show our commitment to making life in Calderdale better for all.”
The Vison 2024 for Calderdale aims to ensure the borough remains enterprising, talented, kind, resilient and distinctive. The Corporate Plan shows the progress that has been made since the Vision launched in 2018, and the work that is still to be done to:
- Reduce inequalities. Some residents are feeling the impacts of the pandemic and the cost of living crisis more than others. By reducing the causes of deprivation, the Council will support local people into positive opportunities that help them to be healthier and more resilient in the future.
- Create strong, thriving towns and places. By supporting the local economy, independent businesses and rich cultural activities as part of the new CultureDale brand, towns will harness Calderdale’s heritage and landscape and become more resilient. They will be places where people can connect, contribute to the local economy, be more active, feel safe, start well and age well.
- Take climate action. Following the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in January 2019, the whole community is stepping up work to help achieve a carbon-neutral future and reduce the risk of flooding across the borough.
The Corporate Plan outlines the context in which the Council will set its budget, helping to shape the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and enabling performance against priorities to be monitored.
In 2024 Calderdale’s will celebrate its 50th anniversary. To work towards this landmark moment, the Council worked with the community in 2018 to develop the Vision 2024 for Calderdale, which drives what needs to be done to make life better for everyone. Achievements over the past four years have included unprecedented investment into the revitalisation of local towns; a new Central Library; a transformed Northgate site to create a flagship sixth form centre and top-class office and retail accommodation; a surge in tourism and filming; and culture- and heritage-led regeneration.
These successes have come amidst major challenges, including Calderdale’s fourth major flood in just eight years at the start of 2020; the devastation of the pandemic and its long-lasting impact on health, wellbeing, inequalities and financial hardship; the cost of living rises; and sustained pressure on Council budgets, the health and care system and staff recruitment.
The actions within the Corporate Plan will build on the achievements using the resilience that Calderdale has developed during the tough times, and the legacy of innovation, opportunity, digital advancement and partnership working.