The planned public engagement event at Todmorden Market tomorrow (Saturday 26 October) is now cancelled.
Calderdale Council was due to hold two engagement sessions at the market, for people to find out more about the Active Todmorden project, including an additional option to create a walking and wheeling scheme through the town. The project is part of the £17.5million Todmorden Town Deal regeneration programme, funded by the UK Government.
Unfortunately, at the session on Thursday 24 October, a small number of people were disruptive and intimidating, making it difficult for other people to participate and share their views. To protect members of staff involved, the Council has now taken the difficult decision to cancel the planned additional event on Saturday 26 October.
The sessions were a face-to-face opportunity for people to find out more about the £3.2million Active Todmorden project, which is designed to promote healthier communities and create a more attractive and welcoming town which aims to:
- Provide an accessible and attractive pedestrian environment in the town centre and on the routes into the town.
- Improve pedestrian access and strengthen links between the Rail Station to the town centre.
- Establish a walking and cycling network, using the Burnley Road corridor for connections north/south.
Two options were shared at the session; the cycling improvement option which was developed through consultation events earlier this year; and an additional walking improvement option which has been developed in response to more recent feedback.
Although Saturday’s in-person session is cancelled, people are still encouraged to have their say. The plans, including the additional option for Active Todmorden, are available to view online at www.todmordentowndeal.co.uk/project-active-todmorden(external link), where there’s also the opportunity to fill in a survey. The information boards and surveys are also available at Todmorden College for people to view and share feedback. The closing date for providing comments is Sunday 10 November 2024.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport, Cllr Sarah Courtney, said:
“We’re really disappointed to have had to take the difficult decision to cancel the planned engagement event at Todmorden Market tomorrow. Unfortunately, a very small number of disruptive people at yesterday’s event, made it impossible for us to carry out the engagement event safely and successfully.
“We always want to communicate our plans in different ways, to support as many people as possible to be able to have their say. We were able to receive some constructive responses yesterday, but sadly, the unacceptable actions of a few, meant that it was extremely difficult for others to give their open and honest feedback to the plans.
“We are still committed to the Active Todmorden project and are very keen to hear people’s feedback about this, including the new option which has been developed. The plans are available on the Town Deal website and I encourage people to have a look and share their feedback on these latest plans.”