Author Archives: Calderdale Council

A time capsule, buried by Calderdale Council in partnership with local schools in 1998, has been discovered by contractors Galliford Try whilst completing regeneration works at Bull Green in Halifax town centre. The capsule contained photos of the Bull Green roundabout and area from 1998, along with letters, stories and small toys from local school… read more … about Uncovering a snapshot in time>>

Opening of time capsule

Plans are moving forward to transform travel in and around Hebden Bridge, to help make it safer and healthier for people to get to the town, and to support local businesses. Following the pause to the Fallingroyd part of the £5 million A646 Corridor Improvement Programme (CIP), Calderdale Council has now agreed a way forward…. read more … about Moving forward to transform travel in and around Hebden Bridge>>

Cllr Sarah Courtney outside Halifax Town Hall

A new initiative is supporting young people in Calderdale, helping children who are at risk of being excluded to get back on track and succeed.  Calderdale Council is working in partnership with Trinity Multi Academy Trust on a new pilot project supporting young people in alternative provision – places that provide education for children who… read more … about Helping young people to achieve their best>>

Cllr Adam Wilkinson outside Halifax Town Hall

Press release from Yorkshire Water Yorkshire Water will be undertaking sewer maintenance work on Halifax Road (A646) in Charlestown, starting on the evening of 14 February. The work will be to repair a section of sewer and improve the resilience of the wider section of sewer that runs under the road by reinforcing it with… read more … about Sewer maintenance works taking place during half term on Halifax Road, Charlestown>>

Road closed

During National Apprenticeship Week (10 – 16 February 2025), Calderdale Council is encouraging people to think about how an apprenticeship could change their life or business. The week brings together everyone passionate about apprenticeships and skills to celebrate the value, benefit and opportunity they bring. The Vision 2024 for Calderdale recognises the incredible amount of… read more … about Building skills through apprenticeships and T Levels>>

T level student in front of computer

Councillor Scott Patient, Deputy Leader of Calderdale Council, is the new Vice Chair for West Yorkshire for the Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission. He takes over from Cllr Jack Hemingway, who is Deputy Leader of Wakefield Council. Cllr Patient, who represents Luddendenfoot ward, is the Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Housing. He also sits… read more … about Councillor Scott Patient joins YHCC as Vice Chair for West Yorkshire>>

Cllr Scott Patient outside Halifax Town Hall

This National Apprenticeship Week (10 – 16 February 2025), T Level student Sofian Riaz and newly qualified social worker (and former apprentice) Katie Glover, share their stories. Sofian Riaz, T Level student in the Markets team at Calderdale Council: “Going into my first day at Calderdale Council, I wondered what my first day would be… read more … about National Apprenticeship Week stories>>

T level student in front of computer

The wide-ranging work taking place across Calderdale to tackle the impacts of the rising cost of living, is being highlighted in the 2024 Anti-Poverty Annual Report and Action Plan. Reducing inequalities is one of Calderdale Council’s priorities, with a key focus of supporting residents with the cost of living crisis. The Council works closely alongside… read more … about Working together to tackle poverty>>

Cllr Durrans

Overnight road closures are scheduled in West Vale to allow for essential maintenance. From Monday 3 February, Calderdale Council is carrying out resurfacing work on Stainland Road between Alfred Street and Dean Street, including at the junctions with Saddleworth Road and Rochdale Road. The work will involve the planing and resurfacing of the carriageway. To… read more … about Overnight closures for essential repairs>>

Road works signage