Calderdale Council has joined over 300 organisations across the country in pledging to be an Age-friendly Employer.
The Age-friendly Employer Pledge is a nationwide programme for UK employers who recognise the importance and value of older workers.
Around 60% of the Council’s workforce is aged over 50 and it’s estimated that there are over 31,000 people aged 50-64 employed by businesses in the Calderdale area.
The Council and other local organisations including Age UK Calderdale and Calderdale Voluntary and Community (VAC) have already signed up to the Age-friendly Pledge. Other organisations in the borough are encouraged to join them to recognise the significant and valuable contribution of older workers.
Signing the pledge means committing to take action in identified key areas, including improving the recruitment, retention and development of workers aged over 50. This could include encouraging career progression for all ages, supporting flexible working and ensuring everyone has the health support they need.
Action is assessed against a framework with five key areas guiding where employers can make changes to create multi-generational workforces. The programme acknowledges that changes don’t happen overnight, so progress is monitored on an annual basis.
The Council is assessing its own progress for this year and recommendations will be made for areas it can work on.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Resources, Cllr Silvia Dacre, said:
“We’re committed to ensuring that everyone working at the Council is valued and feels supported to achieve their best, at any age.
“Over half of the council’s workforce is over 50 and by taking the Age-Friendly Employer Pledge, we’re officially acknowledging our commitment and recognising the contributions and key skills of older workers.
“As well as supporting older workers at the Council, we also want to lead the way in encouraging and supporting other local businesses and organisations to adopt the pledge. ”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health, Cllr Tim Swift, said:
“People say that age is just a number, but sadly reports show that half of people aged over 50 in England have experienced age discrimination in the last year.
“In Calderdale, four in ten of the population are aged fifty plus, with one in five aged sixty-five and over. We recognise the important contribution that older people make to our communities and are committed to tackling ageism in all its forms.
”In addition to signing the Age-Friendly Employer pledge, we’re also an Age Friendly Borough, and doing all we can to ensure that Calderdale is a great place in which to grow old.”
One of the options available to older employees at the Council is flexible retirement – an arrangement which helps employers to retain skilled staff whilst offering flexible options such as a reduction in hours, or a less senior position.
One employee who has discovered the benefits of this option is Martin Allingham, who works in the Council’s Health and Safety team. Martin reduced his hours from full time to three days a week and took on a less senior position within the team.
Martin said:
“When I reached 60, I was determined to retire. I felt after 37 years of in the safety profession I needed a change. I had done my bit for public service, and I also felt the pressure of being the manager five days a week was sometimes relentless.
“I thought I might still work in another area, maybe voluntary, but something entirely different. I opted for flexible retirement and found it suited me, not only that, but I also realised how much I enjoyed my work again.
“Having four days off a week instead of two quickly taught me that I needed to work, I enjoyed work and my passion for the job returned. I would advise anyone to consider flexible retirement seriously as it gives you space to think, reassess what you need and whether you want to continue working.
“I realised I love working for Calderdale Council so I will now stay as long as I can.”
To find out more about the Age-friendly Employer pledge, visit ageing-better.org.uk/age-friendly-employer-pledge(external link)
The Council’s commitment to being an Age Friendly borough supports the Vision 2024 for Calderdale and the Ageing Well plan(external link), helping older people to be more connected and live in vibrant communities.
Calderdale reached its 50th anniversary on 1 April 2024. This is the ultimate year for the Vision 2024 for Calderdale. Find out more at www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision(external link). As 2024 closes, the transition to the new Vision 2034 for Calderdale will begin, encouraging local communities to be bold and ambitious about what we can do next to make Calderdale a better place for all.