Category Archives: Air quality

As discussions at COP26 this week focus on driving the global transition to zero emission transport, Calderdale Council is reflecting on its own progress to reduce transport emissions and meet ambitious net zero targets. Road transport accounts for 10% of global emissions, and its emissions are rising faster than those of any other sector. COP26… read more … about Supporting a gear change to reduce transport emissions>>

Zero carbon Calderdale

The Council is gearing up to make Calderdale’s voice heard at one of the world’s most significant climate events. Cllr Scott Patient, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, and members of the Council’s Environmental Projects team, are attending COP26 – the 26th annual UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. They will speak up for… read more … about Calderdale climate action heads for international spotlight>>

Cllr Patient in electric van

Following a review of parking charges across the borough, changes to existing charging hours and days are being made. There are no changes to actual parking tariffs and they continue to remain low compared to neighbouring boroughs. The existing charging hours in Halifax (short stay), Hebden Bridge, Sowerby Bridge and West Vale will be extended… read more … about Changes to parking in Calderdale>>

Parking sign

Calderdale Council is supporting the national campaign for Clean Air Day on Thursday 17 June 2021 and encouraging people to pledge to make a change to help support work to reduce air pollution in the borough. Improving air quality is a priority for the Council and is a really important part of the work being… read more … about Pledge your support and inspire change this Clean Air day>>

Cllr Patient in electric van

Local community and voluntary sector groups are invited to share ideas to support Calderdale’s journey towards a carbon neutral future. As a borough, Calderdale aims to be carbon neutral by 2038 at the latest, with significant progress by 2030. It’s hoped this will be achieved even sooner with in-house emissions and significant progress has already… read more … about Survey to support a carbon neutral Calderdale>>

Cllr Patient in electric van

Calderdale Council has developed a plan to inspect and monitor compliance with the conditions of the Environmental Permit granted to Calder Valley Skip Hire Ltd. At the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 8 February, an Environmental Permit was granted for the operation of a small waste incinerator plant on Belmont Industrial Estate, Rochdale… read more … about Monitoring Environmental Permit conditions for incinerator site>>

Calderdale Council

Calderdale residents can support the work to tackle climate change by opting to receive their council tax bills electronically. Calderdale Council is pledging to plant trees across the borough for every 1000 residents that switch to ebilling before the end of March 2021. Currently only 15% of Calderdale residents receive ebilling for their Council Tax…. read more … about Sign up for ebilling to support tree planting pledge>>


Schools around Calderdale have welcomed some bright new additions this term. Ten schools in the borough have had colourful new cycle and/or scooter storage installed to support and encourage active travel and complement the School Streets(external link) initiative. Calderdale Council is working with schools to encourage more active ways for children and young people to… read more … about New opportunities to scoot or cycle to school>>

Withinfields School storage

Calderdale has reached a key milestone in the fight against climate change, with the completion of 10 new electric vehicle chargepoints across the borough. This comes as Calderdale marks national Clean Air Day on Thursday 8 October. As the climate emergency continues, and the Council and the borough aim to be carbon neutral by 2038,… read more … about New electric vehicle chargepoints help tackle climate emergency>>

Electric vehicle chargepoint in Calderdale