Zohrah Zancudi has been appointed as Head of Customer Services at Calderdale Council. Zohrah started in the post last week and is leading a wide range of projects to deliver first-class customer service to people in Calderdale. That includes the contact centre, Customer First, revenues and benefits, licensing, registrars, corporate communications, sports and leisure –… read more … about Zohrah takes lead on customer services>>
Category Archives: All news
Calderdale Council’s fostering team had some new helpers last weekend. Like any other member of the team, they wore fostering t-shirts and raised awareness of the need for more foster carers. But there was one big difference…they were made of straw! As part of Norland Scarecrow Festival, children with disabilities at the Council-run Linden Brook… read more … about Scarecrows help with fostering campaign>>
Libraries in Calderdale are continuing commemorations for the centenary of the First World War, with events and displays highlighting different aspects of the War and life in Calderdale one hundred years ago. As part of this, the Central Library in Halifax is hosting the second in the series of World War One free lunchtime talks,… read more … about Expert to give talk on First World War>>
Calderdale Council’s People’s Commission will be holding the next public consultation event from 4pm – 6pm on Tuesday 19 August 2014 at Clay House, West Vale. Chair of the People’s Commission, Professor Andrew Kerslake said: “The public consultation events we have held so far have given us the opportunity to hear about people’s own experiences… read more … about The People’s Commission wants to hear from West Vale residents>>
The First World War affected cities, towns and villages all over the country, and Calderdale is no exception. Many people who were not in active service found new ways to help the war effort, and many buildings were used for different purposes. There are sites all over Calderdale that played a key part in World… read more … about Spring Hall in the First World War>>
Calderdale Council is taking part in the RoyalBritish Legion’s Lights Out campaign to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. On Monday 4 August 2014 the Council is turning off the lights in Halifax Town Hall from 10pm to 11pm, and lighting a candle to illuminate the Book of Remembrance which… read more … about Lights Out – marking World War One>>
Bev Maybury, Calderdale Council’s Director of Adults, Health and Social Care, has been recognised as one of healthcare’s most inspirational female leaders. Bev was named as one of the top 50 women in the country at the latest Health Service Journal (HSJ) Most Inspirational Women in Healthcare awards. The HSJ is a leading source of… read more … about Inspiring change in health and social care>>
Severe structural deterioration at Elland Pool means that Calderdale Council is taking immediate action to demolish the building due to safety concerns. An inspection by Council officers last week showed that the eastern gable wall, overlooking Huddersfield Road, is continuing to move and raising concerns for the safety of the public. The Council had to… read more … about Elland Pool>>
School’s out and your children may be heading off to college or university. If your home is going to seem empty without them, and you feel you have more to give, why not consider fostering? More than 350 people have asked about becoming foster carers since Calderdale Council launched its latest recruitment campaign in January… read more … about Foster carers make a real difference>>