Category Archives: All news

There’s never been a more important time to offer your views on the best use of Calderdale’s budget.  And next year, faced with ever declining funds, the Council is asking you to help decide which services are vital and must be protected at three open meetings in the borough. Following on from Ambition Calderdale –… read more … about #AmbitionCalderdale – Your chance to give your views>>


Schools in Calderdale are celebrating after performing well in Ofsted’s report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector. The report identifies the performance of schools nationally, taking into account factors such as pupil achievement and Ofsted findings. All councils are ranked according to the percentage of pupils attending schools within the authority judged by Ofsted to be… read more … about Ofsted boost for Calderdale schools>>

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Todmorden Town Hall is set to benefit from a new lift, after Cabinet approved plans to replace the existing one.  Last night, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet agreed that the current lift was no longer reliable and approved an allocation of funds to install a new lift.  Over recent years, a series of problems have occurred with… read more … about Lift plans get off the ground>>

Tod Town Hall

Residents across Calderdale have chance to win six fantastic prizes this winter. All households in Calderdale should have received their handy guide to keep safe, warm and healthy this winter produced by Calderdale Council and Calderdale Commissioning Group (CCG).  Last year there were 31,100 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in 2012/13 – this… read more … about Be winter wise and win a hamper>>

A wise person said that you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy local, and that’s kind of the same thing.  It’s ‘Small Business Saturday’ this weekend so all Calderdalians are being encouraged to shop locally. It will be one of the busiest shopping days of the year and Calderdale Council is backing the government… read more … about Be a true Calderdalian – support local businesses this weekend!>>

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Sent on behalf of the Association of West Yorkshire authorities There is one month left for members of the public, local businesses or interest groups to have their say in a Government consultation on proposals to establish a Combined Authority in West Yorkshire. The government is consulting on the plan to bring together responsibility for… read more … about Government consulting on plan for West Yorkshire Combined Authority>>

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