Category Archives: COVID-19

Extra COVID testing in areas of concern in Calderdale has now come to an end, but residents are still encouraged to follow the five big things to protect themselves and others. Targeted testing has been taking place for the last four weeks, initially in response to an increase in cases linked to a place-based outbreak… read more … about Keep following the five big things as extra testing ends in Calderdale>>

5 big things

Calderdale landmarks, including Wainhouse Tower will light up this weekend to show support for Thank You Day on Sunday 4 July, acknowledging the efforts of every person who has made a difference and helped others throughout the pandemic. The idea behind the country’s first ever Thank You Day came from a grassroots campaign in local… read more … about Saying Thank You to Calderdale’s kind and resilient communities>>

Halifax Community Fridge

Thursday 1 July is the inaugural National Day of Recognition for Registrars, celebrating the efforts and hard work of all registration service workers  and especially acknowledging how the service has met the challenges of the last year. Calderdale Council’s Registration Service is based at Spring Hall in Halifax and supports local people through some of… read more … about Recognising the efforts of our registrars>>


Additional businesses and community organisations which have been severely affected by COVID-19 restrictions may now be eligible to apply for grant support. Businesses or voluntary/community organisations which were not previously eligible for support through the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) scheme, may now qualify following government changes allowing additional sectors to apply. The Council is also… read more … about Support for further businesses affected by COVID restrictions>>


Exciting proposals from local community groups to breathe new life into public buildings will be discussed at Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 5 July. The major impact of the pandemic, on top of the Council’s previously challenging financial position, mean that some of its public buildings have not reopened as it is no longer… read more … about Community proposals to bring buildings back to life>>

Calderdale Council

78 people were vaccinated at Calderdale’s latest pop-up clinic, as part of the drive to increase uptake of both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to minimise harm from new variants. The pop-up clinic at Ainley Industrial Estate in Elland on Wednesday 16 June was a partnership between Calderdale Council, NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group and… read more … about Pop-up vaccine clinic helps get the jab done>>

Vaccination team - pop-up clinic Ainley Industrial Estate