Calderdale Council is working with local school children to help raise awareness of the impacts of inconsiderate parking. The Pavements are for People campaign highlights the problems caused by motorists parking on pavements – an issue that is of particular concern around schools in the borough. Pedestrians are put at risk when people park their… read more … about Schoolchildren remind motorists that ‘Pavements are for People’>>
Category Archives: Families
Over 70 events and activities are taking place across Halifax to celebrate the birthday of one of the town’s most famous residents. The famous landowner, entrepreneur, mountaineer, scholar, traveller, and lesbian, Anne Lister was born in Halifax on 3 April 1791. To celebrate what would have been Anne’s 234th birthday, Calderdale Council is supporting a… read more … about Celebrating Anne Lister’s life and legacy>>
A new co-produced strategy, setting out a shared commitment to the north Halifax area over the next 10 years, is being considered by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet. The communities of north Halifax are on the outskirts of the town, including the villages of Ovenden, Illingworth and Mixenden. These communities benefit from many special qualities, including distinct… read more … about A shared commitment to north Halifax>>
Families in Calderdale are invited to events across the borough to celebrate Baby Week, a week-long celebration of early childhood that runs from Thursday 14 to Wednesday 20 November. Baby Week launched in 2016 with the aim of making the UK the best place to grow up, by celebrating services and raising awareness of the… read more … about Connecting local families with Baby Week events>>
A powerful new fostering film is supporting Calderdale Council’s campaign to recruit more foster carers in the borough. ‘Everything’ is the seventh film to be produced by a growing partnership of councils and children’s trusts to promote local authority fostering. The short film highlighting the long-term benefits of fostering, with relationships between some foster families… read more … about Fostering is…Everything>>
Residents in Mixenden enjoyed a family fun day event to celebrate the reopening of the Sunny Bank Road play area and the Mixenden Urban Park. Calderdale Council is delivering improvements in the area around Ash Green Community Primary School, with funding from the Council, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Active Calderdale. This has… read more … about Fun in the sun as new and improved play facilities reopen>>
A new school providing specialist education could be built in Calderdale, as the Council’s Cabinet consider options to increase places for those with special education needs. The shortage of specialist school placements is a national issue and one which is reflected locally. Calderdale currently has a significant shortfall in provision for pupils with special needs… read more … about Options to increase specialist education provision in Calderdale>>
Thousands of people enjoyed the successful return of the People’s Park Festival in Calderdale, celebrating the diversity of the borough’s culture. On Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August, the beautiful People’s Park in Halifax came alive with film, food, entertainment and music, showcasing Calderdale’s multicultural identity and celebrating South Asian Heritage Month. Over 3000 people… read more … about Thousands enjoy a joyful celebration of diverse cultures>>
Calderdale continues to be a place of sanctuary for Ukrainians living in the UK, after fleeing the war in their country. Just over two years on from the launch of the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme in Calderdale, around 200 Ukrainians now call the borough home. Thanks to the generosity of Calderdale people, many Ukrainian… read more … about Supporting Ukrainian communities in Calderdale>>