Category Archives: Next Chapter

Press release from West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Mayor of West Yorkshire A multi-million-pound project to improve walking, wheeling and cycling facilities in West Yorkshire is taking a major step forward. The new £5.1 million West Yorkshire Places scheme includes proposals such as new street crossings and lighting, improved green spaces and traffic calming measures…. read more … about New £5.1 million proposals to improve active travel across West Yorkshire>>

Woman walking on pavement beside road

The latest proposals for improvements to the eastern side of Halifax town centre are now available, showing how travel around this part of town will be transformed. Calderdale Council is delivering the A629 phase 2 Halifax town centre project, an ambitious regeneration project which is fully funded through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s West Yorkshire-plus… read more … about Have your say on proposals for the east of Halifax>>

Artist's impression showing the amended layout of roads around Square Chapel and Halifax station

A time capsule, buried by Calderdale Council in partnership with local schools in 1998, has been discovered by contractors Galliford Try whilst completing regeneration works at Bull Green in Halifax town centre. The capsule contained photos of the Bull Green roundabout and area from 1998, along with letters, stories and small toys from local school… read more … about Uncovering a snapshot in time>>

Opening of time capsule

Plans to improve walking and cycling access around Elland and West Vale, including to the planned new Elland Rail Station, are moving forward with the appointment of the contractor to finalise the detailed designs for the project.  The new rail station for Elland is being delivered by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, in partnership with… read more … about Step forward for project to improve routes around Elland and support development of new rail station>>

Visual showing how new Elland station could look

New images have been released showing how work around Halifax town centre will transform travel, with new safer ways for people to get around and welcoming areas into and around the town centre. Calderdale Council is delivering the A629 Phase 2 Halifax town centre project, an ambitious regeneration project which is fully funded through the… read more … about Images show Halifax’s new town centre>>

Artist's impression showing the amended layout of the road around the rail station in Halifax

The new box office at the Victoria Theatre, Halifax is now open, as extensive improvement works and upgraded facilities at the venue reach the final stages. Funding from the Government’s Future High Streets Fund is being used to update and enhance the Grade II listed building, improving the experience for those visiting and ensuring that… read more … about Showtime for new theatre box office>>

Two members of staff working at computers in new theatre box office

New traders at Halifax Borough Market are making use of the new type of stalls installed as part of wider improvements at the historic building. Work is continuing on the £4.5million Future High Streets Fund project to update the Victorian market, helping to secure its thriving future as a focal point for shopping, business and leisure… read more … about Modern new stalls support a thriving future for Halifax Borough Market>>

Woman at stall in Halifax Borough Market, showing modern new style of stall

A £3.2 million project to make it easier and more pleasant to walk, wheel and cycle around Todmorden is set to move forward. Calderdale Council has listened to feedback from local people on what they want the ‘Active Todmorden’ project to look like. Active Todmorden aims to create healthier communities by enabling everyone to walk,… read more … about Moving forward with active travel in Todmorden>>

Cllr Sarah Courtney outside Halifax Town Hall

People are being asked for their views on the latest proposals to create three ‘shared transport hubs’ in Todmorden and Hebden Bridge. Shared transport hubs are one-stop shops for transport services, with plans in Calderdale including facilities for car club vehicle parking locations, electric vehicle charging, secure cycle parking, access to shared e-bikes and bike… read more … about A new way of providing transport services could be coming to Calderdale as plans take another step forward>>

Hebden Bridge