Category Archives: Sport and leisure

Thousands are expected to take part in a mass cycle ride along the route of the first ever Tour de Yorkshire.  The Tour de Yorkshire Ride will give cyclists the chance to ride the route just hours before the pros race. The Tour de Yorkshire is a new UCI (International Cycling Union) approved international cycle… read more … about Ride in the tracks of Tour de Yorkshire Stars>>

Bernard Hinault - Cragg Vale 2014

A report commissioned by Calderdale Council has revealed that last year’s Tour de France brought an extra £12.5 million into the area. An additional £200,000 was brought into Calderdale by the Yorkshire Festival, which attracted visitors to view and participate in an extensive arts and cultural events programme in the 100 day build up to… read more … about Tour de France brought £12.5m boost to Calderdale>>


The Christmas pantomime season may be behind us (oh yes it is), but for the Victoria Theatre in Halifax it is far from forgotten, as this year’s production of Jack and the Beanstalk has broken box office records.   Over 24 000 people saw the  wonderful pantomime this year, with nearly 1700 more admissions than last… read more … about Jack and the Beanstalk breaks box office history – oh yes it does!>>

Jack and the Beanstalk

The latest round of small grants funding for community groups and projects has been announced, with Calderdale Council allocating thousands of pounds to help local organisations. Calderdale Council’s Small Grants panel meets four times a year and gives out one-off grants of up to £3,000 for voluntary and community sector projects that help achieve the… read more … about Small grants making a big difference>>

Calderdale Council

 We’re now well into the school summer holidays, the time when children and parents are looking for entertaining ways to fill the last few weeks of freedom from the classroom. Luckily there are plenty of activities happening in Calderdale that will make the time fly by, whatever the gloriously unpredictable Yorkshire weather throws at us!  … read more … about Family fun and fitness this summer>>

child in swimming pool