Calderdale Council is celebrating the talent of its staff and communities in a special social media ‘takeover’ week.
The Vision 2024 talented takeover runs from Monday 13 to Friday 17 February. Throughout the week, the Council is sharing content on its social media channels about talent – one of the five themes of the Vision 2024 for Calderdale.
Local residents and organisations are encouraged to join in using the hashtags #talented and #VisionCdale2024, by sharing and posting about what makes Calderdale a talented place.
Cllr Silvia Dacre, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Resources, said:
“Talent is all around in Calderdale, helping us achieve our priorities for thriving towns and places, reduced inequalities and climate action.
“We’re thanking and shining the spotlight on our talented staff, young people, businesses, volunteers, partner organisations – and so many more – across Calderdale.
“We believe in investing in new talent and nurturing people’s skills. One of the ways we do this is through our well-established apprenticeship programme and our work with excellent local training providers. Becoming an apprentice in the Council gives you the opportunity to not only change other people’s lives through your rewarding work, but to change your life too.”
Talented week comes after National Apprenticeship Week, and the Council is encouraging people to consider becoming an apprentice.
Since the launch of the Apprenticeship Levy in 2017, the Council has recruited 120 apprentices across the organisation. Apprenticeships can help people of all ages and from all walks of life, from school leavers to those looking to upskill or change career, combining hands-on training with education.
From day one, the Council invests in apprentices’ skills and development to ensure they are ready to progress their career by the time they complete their apprenticeship.
When available, the Council’s apprenticeship opportunities are listed at www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/residents/jobs-and-volunteering, covering roles in housing, environmental management, horticulture, IT, social care, business administration and many more.
To help grow talent across the borough and build thriving towns, the Council is also transferring funds to other Calderdale employers, via the Apprenticeship Levy Transfer, to support them with new apprentices and apprenticeship qualifications to develop existing employees. Interested businesses can find out more at www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/businesses/business-advice-and-support/apprenticeship-levy-transfer
Case studies:
Lee Broadbent from Calderdale Council has progressed from an apprentice to Senior Health and Safety Adviser. Lee says:
“I did an apprenticeship as a way into full-time employment. I didn’t want to go to university and wanted to start earning a salary. My apprenticeship in Health and Safety was incredibly varied, and I was exposed to a wide range of workplaces and scenarios. I was supported at all times by my manager and colleagues to develop.
“Since completing my apprenticeship 11 years ago, I have progressed into various other roles including Technical Safety Coordinator, Health and Safety Adviser, Senior Health and Safety Adviser, and most recently working in a job share arrangement as the Council’s Health and Safety Manager. I have also recently undertaken another apprenticeship programme in leadership and management as part of my personal development, which the Council has fully supported me on.”
Winner of ‘Apprentice of the Year’ at the Council’s ‘Our Stars’ staff awards in 2022, Kimberley Wadsworth joined the Council’s Major Projects team in 2019 as a Project Assistant. She successfully established herself within the team and her enormous ability to adapt, learn and apply new skills led to her being offered the opportunity to undertake an apprenticeship in Project Management and gain an Association for Project Management qualification.
This enabled her to progress to Assistant Project Manager in 2020 and more recently she has been appointed to a Project Manager role. Kimberley is a shining example of the opportunities given to Council employees to develop and flourish in other roles.
The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? Get involved with the debate on Twitter with #VisionCdale2024 and find out more at www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision