Following a review of parking charges across the borough, changes to existing charging hours and days are being made. There are no changes to actual parking tariffs and they continue to remain low compared to neighbouring boroughs.
The existing charging hours in Halifax (short stay), Hebden Bridge, Sowerby Bridge and West Vale will be extended until 8pm. These changes are being introduced to encourage a good turnover of spaces in recognition of the high demand for spaces generated by the night-time leisure economy.
Charges will also be extended to Sundays and bank holidays in Halifax town centre short stay car parks and on-street spaces, and bank holidays will become chargeable in Hebden Bridge.
A recent review of the wider highways service by external local government colleagues from across the country recommended a review of parking charges. The review’s report specifically recommended the introduction of evening charges along with other changes to restrictions to support the delivery of the Council’s priorities relating to climate change.
The subsequent Council review carefully considered borough-wide charges, including days and times. The locations where changes are now being introduced have been chosen based on traffic management, but also to support town centre retail and hospitality whilst also addressing environmental concerns such as air quality and carbon emissions. Charging hours in Halifax’s long stay car parks will remain the same to encourage usage in the outer car parks.
The changes will be introduced in phases over a number of weeks, with the first changes taking effect on Monday 11 October 2021 in Halifax town centre (short stay). Advisory notices will be placed on ticket machines to inform users of the changes ahead of their introduction. Any money that the Council raises from parking charges is used to support investment in local highways initiatives and improvements. Parking will remain free for Blue Badge holders.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:
“It’s been over eight years since charging hours in Calderdale were last reviewed and three years since tariffs were reviewed. These changes will see tariffs remain the same, with charging rates still comparably low.
“Whilst we know there’s never a good time to introduce any changes, the extension of charging hours, into the evenings, Sundays and bank holidays is a reflection of the demand for good quality and convenient parking spaces at these times and ensures there is a good turnover of spaces. It is also an indication of how attractive our borough continues to be to visitors.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“Setting parking charges at the right level is so important. It requires a balance, with charges being low enough to encourage visitors and shoppers, but not too low that spaces become full too quickly for too long making it difficult to find a space.
“Congested parking spaces can also result in vehicles circulating around or idling whilst waiting for a space. This not only causes an increase in air pollution but can potentially lead to shoppers/visitors going elsewhere.
“We’ve carefully considered these changes in parking restrictions based on local usage and in line with recommendations from the external review of the highways service. The changes will also support the Council to achieve wider strategic objectives, such as combatting climate change and improving air quality.”