Property owners in Calderdale are now able to shine the spotlight on their home or business by offering it as a potential location for TV and film productions.
To help build a portfolio of ‘film friendly’ locations in the area, owners of all types of buildings can now register their property on the Film Calderdale website (https://filmcalderdale.co.uk/locations/(external link)). The website, which has been launched by Calderdale Council, collates useful information for directors, producers, location managers and location scouts and gives easy access to resources and filming permit applications.
Its launch follows a recent string of successful productions which were filmed in the borough. This includes the hit BBC series, Gentleman Jack; the upcoming major new Shane Meadows series, The Gallows Pole; and Marvel’s Secret Invasion. Thanks to the success of previous productions and the positive feedback received from film companies about their experience filming in Calderdale, demand for locations in the borough is growing.
Producers and filmmakers look for all types of locations, from apartments to terrace houses and large homes, farms, land, and empty mills. Those interested in offering their property for future filming can register by filling out the form on the website and including some images. It’s easy, completely free and there’s no obligation to take part in any future filming.
Payment for using a private property varies according to the production and how disruptive the filming may be. If a property is of potential interest, a location scout will visit to ensure it meets the director’s vision. If selected, terms would be agreed directly with the company.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“Calderdale has a growing reputation as a great place for film companies to shoot. We’ve received some fantastic feedback about how accommodating we’ve been, going the extra mile to ensure that filming goes smoothly. The resulting productions have been a brilliant showcase for the borough and have also provided a real boost for our visitor economy.
“Finding the right location is a key part of deciding where to film a production and producers are always on the lookout for film-friendly locations for shooting. Our new Film Calderdale website allows residents or businesses to offer their premises as a potential filming location, providing opportunities for local people and further highlighting the vast and varied options within the borough for filming different types of productions.”
Find out more about registering your property as a potential filming location and information about filming in Calderdale at https://filmcalderdale.co.uk/(external link)
Calderdale’s position as a filming destination helps us demonstrate the borough’s vibrancy and distinctiveness. Harnessing the impacts of this is also an important part of the Vision2024 for the borough – the strategy that sets out where we want Calderdale to be by the time it reaches its 50th birthday in 2024. www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision