Calderdale Council and the Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC) is continuing to invest in work to tackle the climate emergency, with the latest round of community grants now open for applications.
The £1 million Calderdale Climate Emergency Fund is a joint project between the Council and the CFFC as part of their partnership work to raise awareness of the climate emergency and take action. The fund supports projects run by Calderdale’s voluntary and community sector that will have an impact on reducing the carbon footprint of their activities and will help the borough reach its ambitious net zero targets.
Over £450,000 has already been awarded to local groups and charities, supporting 22 projects. These include projects to reduce energy costs and improve energy efficiency in buildings; the replacement of petrol/diesel vehicles with electric vehicles; and work to raise awareness of climate change and net zero.
The third round of grants is now open for applications with grants between £500 and £3000 available for local groups or voluntary organisations with ideas to support climate action in the borough. Larger grants may also be available in some circumstances.
Each round of grants has focused on different themes from the draft Calderdale Climate Action Plan. The grants in this round focus on the themes, Community Climate Action and Land and Nature. Applications are encouraged from projects which support these themes, for example work to provide climate advice or raise awareness in local communities, or effective land management projects to support conservation or flood resilience work.
Applications are open until Monday 12 June 2023. For more information and to submit an application form, visit https://cffc.co.uk/calderdale-climate-emergency-fund-round-3-2/(external link)
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Active Travel and Housing, Cllr Scott Patient, said:
“We know that many community groups in Calderdale are already leading the way on climate action, and we want to support this important work through our Climate Emergency Fund.
“Many organisations in the borough have already benefitted from this support, which has helped develop innovative schemes and implement carbon saving measures, which are already making a difference.
“We’ve now launched the next phase of grants and want to hear from local groups with plans which will support the borough’s draft Climate Action Plan, supporting community work or developing ideas which will benefit our distinctive environment.”
Steve Duncan, Chief Executive of the Community Foundation for Calderdale, added:
“Our role is to help not-for-profit organisations to deliver their valuable work in the community. Saving the planet is an important priority and we are proud to be part of the partnership enabling everyone to reduce their carbon footprint. If you have project to give advice or spread the word about building a better, brighter, Zero Carbon Calderdale, then we would like you to see if you can apply for a grant to help your work.”
For more information and updates on the draft Climate Action Plan, visit https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/residents/environment-planning-and-building/sustainability/environmental-projects-and-campaigns/climate-action-plan
For regular updates, sign up to the Zero Carbon Calderdale e-newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/calderdale/zerocarbon(external link)
Building a sustainable and resilient future is a key part of the Vision2024 for Calderdale. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? Get involved: www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision