
Have your say on the future of development in Todmorden

Todmorden Town Hall

Local people are invited to have their say on the Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan, which would set out planning policies for future development in the area.

The Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan had been prepared by Todmorden Town Council with ongoing engagement with the local community and Calderdale Council. It sets out the vision, objectives, aspirations and policies for the growth of Todmorden up to the year 2032.

The document has been developed by the Town Council over the last 10 years, and throughout the thorough engagement and consultation there has been a focus on identifying and to addressing key issues which are important to the town. These include:

  • Accessibility and inclusivity – ensuring Todmorden can work for everyone, creating an accessible and welcoming environment for all.
  • Skills development – developing and enhancing skills for present and future generations in Todmorden.
  • Climate change – addressing issues such as flooding and surface water management, enhancing biodiversity, protecting green spaces and encouraging spaces for local food production.
  • Food growing – supporting and encouraging the continued development of food-based initiatives in the town and surrounding areas

The Plan has moved through various stages of development and approval over the last few years, which are necessary before it can be adopted. In the latest phase, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet agreed that, following independent examination, the Plan could now progress to local referendum.

On Thursday 6 March, people will be able to have their say on whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be adopted. The referendum question is:

“Do you want Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Todmorden to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

People can view the plan online at  Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan | Calderdale Council(external link). More details on the referendum can be viewed at  Neighbourhood planning referendums | Calderdale Council(external link)

If the vote is ‘yes’, Calderdale Council will receive a report in April 2025 to formally adopt the Neighbourhood Plan as part of the Statutory Development Plan.

Calderdale Council’s Corporate Lead – Planning, Richard Seaman, said:

“The Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan has been developed by the Town Council over the last ten years. It aims to help guide future development in the town and surrounding villages, ensuing that the necessary growth is sustainable and complements and reinforces the existing character of the town, retaining the qualities that make it special.

“The town of Todmorden and surrounding villages have been shaped by the area’s industrial past, with its steeply sloping landscape influencing growth and development around the area’s waterways.

“Today, Todmorden is a vibrant market town, with beautiful scenery, distinctive architecture and a wide range of small and independent shops. The town has retained a spirit of innovation and resilience, overcoming and adapting to challenges, with a strong community spirit.

“These passionate communities have helped shape the Neighbourhood Plan through extensive engagement and consultation. Local people are now being asked to consider the final document and have their say as part of a local referendum on the plan’s adoption.”

More information is available at link) or by visiting link)

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