Young people in Calderdale can find out more about the options available after GCSEs at the popular Get Organised event.
On Tuesday 11 October at the Shay Stadium in Halifax, Calderdale Council will host the annual event aimed at those leaving Year 11 and their families. The event will bring together representatives from sixth forms, colleges, apprenticeship providers and employers to help young people make an informed choice about their future pathway.
Get Organised will feature exhibitors from a range of organisations that will be available to offer information, advice and guidance. They include:
- Career support: C and K Careers and The Employment Hub.
- Sixth form schools: Trinity Academy, Brighouse High, Brooksbank Sixth Form, Crossley Heath Grammar Sixth, North Halifax Grammar Sixth and Ryburn Sixth.
- Colleges: Calderdale College, Huddersfield New College and Kirklees College
- A selection of local employers
There will also be a series of presentations to help attendees gain a better understanding of topics including post-16 options, apprenticeships and T levels.
The event is taking place from 3.30-7pm and is free to attend. To help manage numbers and reduce the risk of spaces being crowded, there will be three different session times available to book and we ask people to limit the tickets booked to one parent/carer per young person attending.
The find out more about the event and to reserve a place, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/get-organised-2022-tickets-399438961687(external link)
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, Cllr Adam Wilkinson, said:
“Calderdale is a great place to study, work or set up a business. The Get Organised event is a fantastic opportunity for young people to find out more about the varied options available to them as they look ahead to leaving Year 11.
“For some young people, deciding on what to do after their GCSEs can be confusing and overwhelming, but by having providers of varied post-16 options under one roof, it makes it easier for people to make an informed decision on their future plans.
“This is the first time in three years that we’ve been able to host Get Organised in person and it will be great to welcome young people to the Shay for an enjoyable and informative event.”
Get Organised for 2023 is funded and supported by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. For any enquiries about the event or booking form, please email: growyourfuture@calderdale.gov.uk.