Work is progressing well on the refurbishment of Beechwood Road Library in Illingworth, near Halifax, with reopening events planned for Monday 20 December 2021.
Extensive repair work has been taking place at the library, which was built in the 1930s. The work has involved major upgrades to both the interior and exterior of the building and improvements to its energy efficiency.
The library has been redecorated and repairs carried out to areas which had previously suffered water damage. Important heritage features, such as the two wood panelling doors have been retained, along with the original counter which has been refurbished.
Lighting has been improved throughout the library and rear extension windows have been replaced with double glazing. Work has also taken place to both the flat and pitched roofs and guttering and fascias have been replaced.
Facilities for visitors have also been upgraded with new shelving and furnishings in public areas to improve the look and feel of the space and make it more adaptable for use by the community. Self-service machines will also be available. The library’s toilet facilities have also been replaced and the space redecorated.
As part of the reopening event, visitors can drop-in any time between 10am and 2pm and children can enjoy Christmas-themed art/craft activities. Going forward, the library will be open Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am until 5pm and Saturdays from 10am until 1pm (please note there will be changes to all library opening hours over the Christmas period).
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:
“Beechwood Library is a lovely, stone building which adds great character to the local area. However, the building previously suffered from a number of age-related issues and it’s been necessary for major work to take place to bring the library up to modern standards and repair problem areas like the leaking roof.
“We know the facility is well-loved and an important community asset for north Halifax and I’m delighted that we’re now able to announce the date for the library’s reopening.
“Once the library reopens, we hope to be able to hold more community activities at the facility and the upgraded furnishings have been designed to make the space more adaptable.
“We’re also looking at hosting more library-run events and look forward to welcoming more users to this improved facility.”