Work has officially completed on a £14million extra care housing scheme that is set to benefit older people across Brighouse.
Energy and regeneration specialist Equans has collaborated with housing provider Home Group and Calderdale Council to construct the complex, which encourages independent living.
The extra care scheme, named Railway Bridge View, contains 65 one- and two-bedroom apartments for over 55s, which are available for both affordable rent and shared ownership.
The project was supported by funding through the Homes England Shared Ownership Affordable Homes Programme.
Extra care developments such as this one enable people to continue living independently for as long as possible whilst having the constant reassurance of a 24-hour care and support provider on site.
Located on Bramston Street, the new development has been built in accordance with the Government’s Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) report. HAPPI was commissioned by Homes England on behalf of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the Department of Health and Social Care, to consider how best to address the challenge of providing homes that meet the needs and aspirations of older people of the future.
As a result of this, a range of amenities and multi-purpose spaces have been incorporated into the complex to encourage residents to come together, with facilities such as a hair salon, café, winter garden and various outdoor leisure areas.
The whole scheme is dementia-friendly and 10 of the flats have been thoughtfully designed to increase the quality of living for those with dementia. Clever incorporations of colour, texture and an open-plan layout help to reduce over-stimulation and create a safer, more accessible environment for residents to enjoy.
Jon Mangham, Regional Director for Major Projects at Equans, said:
“Our partnership with Home Group has been a real success and the completion of this scheme is a very proud moment for us all.
“Railway Bridge View provides an alternative housing option for older people that focuses on encouraging independence whilst providing the reassurance of a 24-hour care system.
“This will make a huge difference to the health and wellbeing of residents who will not only be able to enjoy their free time in the various facilities across the complex, but can also be assured that as their needs change, support will be available.”
This latest development is one of five similar projects Home Group is delivering across Yorkshire. It is currently working in partnership with Leeds City Council to provide four developments as part of the council’s plan to create 1,000 spaces like Railway Bridge View across the city. One property is already occupied with a second close to competition, ground broke on a third and a fourth in the planning process.
Sally Parsons, Director of Housing and Support at Home Group, said:
“We see these developments as a real opportunity to support older residents in Yorkshire and provide homes which offer them the support they need while keeping their independence. We’ve worked with partners and residents to ensure our ‘extra care’ homes keep residents active and engaged with the community.
“We have a long running partnership with Equans, who understands the type of high quality provision and design we require, which you can see at Railway Bridge View.”
Cllr Scott Patient, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, said:
“It’s fantastic to see the ambitious Railway Bridge View scheme complete. The high-quality facilities support people’s housing and care needs and showcase the power of great partnership working.
“The complex is close to Brighouse town centre with good transport links, supporting our commitment to see Calderdale’s towns thrive and to help residents of all ages and backgrounds to contribute to the local economy and reach their full potential.”
Cllr Josh Fenton-Glynn, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Wellbeing, added:
“These are homes rather than a clinical looking care setting. We are determined that people aging well are able to live a full but supported life.
“Railway Bridge View is a brilliant example of our Age Friendly Calderdale commitment in action. It will support people to live a full and healthy later life by helping them to remain independent and active at the heart of their community.
“This is the only dementia-focused extra care scheme in Calderdale and one of few in the North. We’re really proud of this innovative scheme, which will act as a benchmark in how to integrate dementia-friendly apartments into a wider complex. It will be a platform to deliver future developments to meet the needs of people living with dementia.”