Exciting improvement works at Elland Library are taking a major step forward as work begins on the main part of the £1.75m refurbishment programme.
As part of Calderdale Council’s continued investment in its library service, Elland Library is being fully refurbished and transformed into a community hub providing a range of services.
Over the last few months, initial work has been taking place to prepare the building and create a safe working environment.
Work can now begin on the full internal refurbishment. This includes significant work to bring the upper floor into use, which will be used as office space for the Council’s Children and Young People’s Service.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“I’m pleased to see work progressing on improvement works at Elland Library. This significant investment in the building will provide the town with an impressive, modern facility.
“As well as improving the library services, the works will also include office space on the upper floor, which has been unoccupied for many years . This will provide Council staff with a base in the town, which will also help support the local economy.”
The library, including the children’s section and IT suite, will remain on the lower floor. The whole area will be redecorated and redesigned with new signage and new windows to make it much brighter. Important work will also take place to replace the ageing roof tiles, ensuring they’re fit for purpose.
The Greater Elland Historical Society’s history room is also being refurbished with the archives and photos carefully retained, to be replaced once work is complete.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Susan Press, said:
“We’re committed to providing a library service that meets the needs of local communities and despite budget pressures we feel it’s important to invest in this much valued local facility in Elland.
“Once complete, the site will become a real community hub, providing first class library facilities and making the best use of the building’s layout.”
The work is due to take around nine months to complete, during this time the library is temporarily located at the former Customer First office on Southgate, Elland.
Whilst work is taking place it will be necessary to partially close Coronation Street from week beginning Monday 2 March 2020, to ensure the safety of workers, pedestrians and motorists. The closure will mean there will be no access the Victoria Road junction and diversions will be via Boxhall Road, Southgate and Jepson Lane.
To find out more about Calderdale’s library service or find your nearest library, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/libraries