Local people are being asked to have their say on proposed changes to the legal restrictions in place to protect Calderdale’s distinctive moorlands and to keep public spaces safe and clean.
Calderdale Council is reviewing its Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs), which can prohibit certain behaviour or activity as well as require action to be taken in a defined area.
Calderdale currently has seven PSPOs which cover the following:
- The Moorland Fire PSPO was implemented in June 2019 to protect the borough’s moorland and upland areas by preventing the risk of fire.
- Five of the remaining PSPOs introduced restrictions on a person in charge of a dog/s, for example not entering specific areas such as children’s playgrounds and failing to clean up after their dog.
- The final order is in respect to the consumption of alcohol in a public place or other designated area. The order allows Police and community safety wardens to require individuals to stop drinking and surrender their alcohol.
The current orders are due to expire in mid-June 2022. The Council has the option to vary the conditions included and a number of changes are proposed to make them more effective and further protect communities and the environment.
It’s proposed that, in addition to existing moorland regulations, the recreational use of off-road vehicles would be prohibited on Calderdale moorland area. The current designated area in which the orders apply would also be expanded to take in further Calderdale beauty spots.
Further proposals include the requirement for dog owners across the borough to make sure they have something with them when they’re out and about to clean up after their dog.
The final proposed change is to make the alcohol orders applicable to public spaces across the whole borough to reduce any alcohol related anti-social behaviour or disorder.
Full details of the PSPOs and the proposed changes, plus FAQs and information about how to share feedback, is available at https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/residents/community-and-living/crime-prevention-and-community-safety/community-safety/pspo The deadline for responses is Tuesday 7 June 2022.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:
“We want people to enjoy our beautiful countryside and public spaces, but we also have a duty to protect them and ensure they can be enjoyed safely.
“Our Public Space Protection Orders have been compiled in partnership with organisations including the Police and Fire Service, as we work together to keep communities safe and protect the environment. We’re now asking for people’s feedback as we review the orders in support of our commitment to ensuring the borough remains a great place to live, work and visit.”
Protecting Calderdale’s distinctive countryside is a key part of the Vision 2024 for Calderdale, and the Council is committed to working with partners to ensure Calderdale remains so special. Find out more about Vision 2024 at www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision.