Ripponden Parish could become a Neighbourhood Area if an application which has been made to Calderdale Council is successful.
The application, which was submitted by Ripponden Parish Council, will be discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 2 February 2015.
The Localism Act 2011 introduced new powers to allow communities to take responsibility for local planning once they have been designated as a Neighbourhood Area.
The proposed Neighbourhood Area covers the area administered by Ripponden Parish Council and is the largest single Parish Council area in Calderdale, with a population of over 6500. It covers Ripponden and Rishworth and a number of villages, including Barkisland, Soyland and parts of Mill Bank/Cotton Stones.
Large areas have been designated as green belt and an extensive area in the west is covered by the Special Protection Area (SPA) and Special Area of Conservation (SAC) of the South Pennine Moors, which is protected under European legislation.
If the application is approved, the Council will work with Ripponden Parish Council on a Neighbourhood Development Plan. This will include planning policies on the development and use of land within the area, such as where new homes or offices may be built and how these should look, to make sure they are in keeping with the village or town.
Neighbourhood Areas have the power to make a Neighbourhood Development Order, which gives the community the authority to grant planning permission without making an application to the Council. Community groups can apply for a Community Right to Build Order to ask for permission to develop small sites within specified areas.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Economy, Cllr Peter Caffrey said:
“We welcome the application from Ripponden Parish Council which would allow local people to take decisions on future developments within their own community.
“The character of our villages and towns is shaped by planning decisions, and it seems right that this power should sit with the local community. They have a clear interest in supporting local businesses and securing new, much needed local housing; whilst at the same time making sure that the green spaces which we all value and enjoy are protected for future generations.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet will be asked to recommend to Full Council that the application is approved at the next meeting on Monday 2 February 2015 at 6pm at Halifax Town Hall.