
Schoolchildren remind motorists that ‘Pavements are for People’

School children at table working on art pieces to support campaign to prevent parking on pavements

Calderdale Council is working with local school children to help raise awareness of the impacts of inconsiderate parking.

The Pavements are for People campaign highlights the problems caused by motorists parking on pavements – an issue that is of particular concern around schools in the borough.

Pedestrians are put at risk when people park their vehicles on pavements, in particular vulnerable road users, including older people and those with impaired vision or mobility, or people using pushchairs.

Calderdale Council is committed to tackling road safety issues and during autumn 2024 shared a survey with local schools to gather the views of parent, carers and school staff on the issue of pavement parking.

Almost 1000 responses were received, with 64% saying that the issue was a problem around their school.

Using funding from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Active Travel England, the Council has now launched its Pavements are for People campaign.

The campaign aims to reduce the number of people who choose to park on pavements, especially around schools. It also looks to increase the number of children and their parents/carers walking, cycling and wheeling to school.

To support the development of the campaign, local artist, Rob Walker, known as byUMBERTO, delivered art workshops at local schools, Old Earth Primary, New Road Primary and Copley Primary. The children shared their thoughts and ideas around tackling pavement parking, creating artwork demonstrating the issue.

The work of the pupils has now been used to inspire a new wall mural in the playground at Copley Primary School. This has been painted by Rob Walker, using parts of the children’s drawings, with a real effort to ensure that the wall mural has fully captured the essence of the pupils’ work.

Rob said:

“It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with the schools within Calderdale and especially all of the pupils who took part in the workshops.”

Pupils at Luddendenfoot Primary School have also supported the campaign, recording a special jingle which is being used on digital channels. A special advert using a child’s voice has also been created for local radio.

The campaign hopes to change people’s behaviour, making them think more about how their parking could affect others. To further support the message of the campaign, the Council is planning a number of enforcement days, to clamp down on illegal parking and highlight the issues of inconsiderate parking.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport, Cllr Sarah Courtney, said:

“The issue of parking on pavements is something we’re regularly contacted about. We understand that the width of some of our roads can make parking more tricky, but it’s important to always park considerately, thinking of other road and pavement users, and if necessary to park a little further away.

“We know that pavement parking can cause particular issues around schools, so we’ve been working with local pupils to help us reinforce the important message that pavements are for people. Working with a local artist, the children have come up with some really creative ideas, that will hopefully make people think twice about their irresponsible parking.

“Parking a little further away and walking or wheeling to school is also better for our health and helps pupils to arrive at school energised and ready to learn.”

Find out more about the Pavements are for People campaign by watching the film at Behind the scenes of our Pavements are for People campaign – YouTube(external link) or visiting link)