Calderdale residents are invited to share their experiences about the economic impact of COVID, as part of a review undertaken by Calderdale Council’s Place Scrutiny Board.
As well as the serious health impacts of COVID-19, the virus has also had a major impact on the economy. As a result, people’s jobs, income, training, education and future prospects have been affected in very different ways.
Members of the Council’s Scrutiny Board have been examining economic inequalities arising from the coronavirus pandemic in Calderdale and exploring the ways this has impacted people’s lives.
So far, this research has been conducted through online focus group sessions, initially with specific groups identified as being disproportionately impacted by the crisis. This has included Calderdale’s young people, minority communities, people with disabilities, people in insecure and low-income jobs.
The Board would now like to hear from all Calderdale residents about their experiences and the ways in which their economic situation has been impacted by COVID. A short online survey is now available to capture the views of as many Calderdale residents as possible.
The survey can be accessed at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3VVMT3V(external link) The deadline for responses is Friday 5 February 2021.
Respondents can provide as much or as little detail as they feel comfortable with, and it will only take a few minutes to complete. Everybody is encouraged to complete the survey, which will be invaluable in helping build a full picture of how the pandemic has affected people.
All responses will be used to prepare a report which will be discussed at the Place Scrutiny Board meeting on Thursday 25 February 2021. The report will also be used to help inform the Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan.
Member of the Place Scrutiny Board, Cllr Roisin Cavanagh, who has been leading the review, said:
“We know that the economic shock and hardship associated with the COVID pandemic has not affected everybody equally. We want to understand the economic issues that people are facing to help inform our recovery plan.
“This review is being driven by what Calderdale people tell us directly about their experiences. Throughout November and December last year we have been listening to people through a number of online focus group sessions. This survey now allows any Calderdale resident to tell us about their experiences and views at their leisure.”
The Councillors working on this project will report to the Place Scrutiny Board on Thursday 25 February from 6pm. This meeting will be streamed on the Council’s YouTube channel.
To share views with one of the Scrutiny Board’s Councillors individually, residents can also get in touch with the Council’s Scrutiny Team at Scrutiny@calderdale.gov.uk