Work to progress the development of two documents which will help guide future planning decisions, is being discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet.
At the meeting of Cabinet on Monday 13 November, Members will consider two reports relating to the development of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD). These documents provide more detailed advice and guidance on policies in the Council’s adopted Local Plan.
The first SPD being considered relates to flood risk and drainage and outlines the approach to be taken to manage flood risk and the impact on the water environment as part of new development proposals.
Calderdale’s unique landscape makes it especially vulnerable to floods from many sources including river flooding, surface water, and run off from the steep hillsides.
The Flood Risk and Drainage SPD highlights the information that will be required to accompany future planning applications to reduce the impact on the environment. It outlines the approach which developers must take to manage flood risk, ensuring development is appropriately located, well designed and managed to take account of the impacts of climate change.
Members will be asked to approve a four-week consultation on the documents, allowing people to have their say on the draft policy.
The second SPD report relates to self and custom build housing. This is a type of housebuilding where someone directly organises the design and construction of their own home (self build) or they work with a developer to deliver their own home to match individual requirements (custom build).
The Self and Custom Build Housing SPD is intended to manage the process by which developers will be expected to deliver self-build housing plots and guides Council members and officers in decision making.
Feedback from a recent consultation has been used to further develop the policy documents and Cabinet members are asked to agree to recommend to Full Council that they adopt the Self and Custom Build SPD.
The Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“Calderdale’s Local Plan supports the three Council priorities of supporting thriving towns and places, reducing inequalities and tackling the climate emergency.
“We’re considering the development of a series of documents which look in more detail at parts of the Local Plan, helping to inform future planning policy and supporting the plan’s delivery.
“One of these documents relates to flood risk. In Calderdale, we understand too well that we live with a constant threat of flooding. As the threat of climate change increases this risk, it’s so important that we have planning policies to ensure that the necessary developments can minimise any impact on the environment and manage flood risk.
“We’ll also be considering a planning document relating to self and custom housebuilding, which has been updated following feedback received as part of a public consultation. This type of housebuilding will help make a meaningful contribution to the overall supply of housing in the area and consequently to the delivery of the Local Plan.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting is on Monday 13 August at Halifax Town Hall from 3pm. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://calderdale.public-i.tv/core/portal/home(external link)