
An ambitious plan to transform Calderdale

Cllr Jane Scullion, Leader of Calderdale Council

Calderdale Council has updated one of its key strategic documents to make life better for everyone.

The Council’s Corporate Plan 2024-2026 gives direction and ambition for the borough in its landmark 50th year and beyond. 2024 marks the Year of Culture, the culmination of the Vision 2024 for Calderdale, and the start of the journey towards a new 10-year aspiration, Vision 2034.

The Corporate Plan shows how the Council will focus its limited budget on the things that matter most to residents, businesses and visitors.

It shows how it will work with other organisations and local communities to achieve its priorities for reducing inequalities, thriving towns and places, and climate action.

Local people will play a key role, driving and shaping change and being an active part of Calderdale’s future.

Cllr Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council’s Leader, said:

“Whether you live, work, learn, visit or do business in Calderdale, we want you to enjoy your time here – to thrive, be healthy, happy and successful, to live the fullest life and be your true self in our diverse communities.

“The next two years that the Corporate Plan covers – and the next 10 years of our Vision 2034 – are our opportunity to transform Calderdale and make life better together.

“We know there are obstacles to overcome, including rising costs and significant budget challenges, greater hardship in our communities and more people needing our services than ever before. The Corporate Plan will help us prioritise our work, enable economic growth, protect the most vulnerable people, achieve positive change and be an employer of choice.”

The Council’s Cabinet Members will discuss the Corporate Plan 2024-2026 at their meeting on Monday 7 October 2024. This is an updated version of the previous Corporate Plan, which includes a new focus on how the Council will become more sustainable and effective, as well as how it will:

  • Reduce inequalities by tackling the causes of deprivation, minimising the impact of poverty, supporting children to be ready for school and enabling working-aged people to have good emotional health and older people to have strong social networks.
  • Support thriving towns and places by regenerating public facilities, creating welcoming spaces where people feel safe, delivering affordable homes and helping people be connected through sustainable transport, active travel and digital services.
  • Take climate action to be carbon neutral by 2038, by working with communities to protect nature and landscapes, make homes warmer and more energy efficient, improve transport and air quality, and maximise the ‘green economy’.

The Council’s performance will continue to be monitored and reported on Calderdale DataWorks.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting will be held on Monday 7 October 2024 at Halifax Town Hall from 4pm. The meeting can also be viewed online at link)

Calderdale reached its 50th anniversary on 1 April 2024. This is the ultimate year for the Vision 2024 for Calderdale. Find out more about it here:

As 2024 closes, the transition to the new Vision 2034 for Calderdale will begin, encouraging local communities to be bold and ambitious about what we can do next to make Calderdale a better place for all.ENDS

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