Plans are being put in place to enable public toilets in Calderdale to reopen in each of the borough’s towns from Tuesday 7 July.
To help support the reopening of local businesses and enable those with certain medical conditions to get out and about, Calderdale Council is reopening one toilet block in each of the main towns, as follows:
- Brighouse – Thornton Square
- Elland – Town Hall Square
- Halifax – Albion Street
- Hebden Bridge – New Road
- Sowerby Bridge – Wharf Street
- Todmorden – Brook Street
These locations have been chosen as they are all self-contained, individually accessed unisex facilities, which will help to reduce the risk of infection transmission. The toilets will be open Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30am-4.30pm.
The blocks will be subject to additional cleaning with frequent ‘touch points’ disinfected. Users are asked to help maintain hygiene standards between cleans by following the advice in the increased signage in place in all facilities.
As always, it’s incredibly important to maintain good hygiene by washing your hands(external link) with soap and water before and after use, for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face and follow the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it(external link)’ guidance. Regular checks of facilities will take place to ensure there is sufficient soap available.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“As lockdown restrictions ease and more of our local businesses begin to reopen, we want to support visitors to our town centres by providing toilet facilities. We know this is especially important for those with disabilities or certain medical conditions. It also makes life easier for parents with young children who may need to find facilities urgently.
“Of course, safety remains our priority and it’s important that the reopening of facilities is done in line with public health guidelines. At present, we’re limiting the number of open toilets to six self-contained blocks within our town centres to ensure we have adequate staff resources to allow for additional cleaning.
“We ask for the cooperation of all users to ensure that the facilities are used responsibly, remain as clean as possible and limit risk to our staff by ensuring hygiene standards can be maintained.”