A new policy to introduce restrictions around the use of advertising boards on public footways, is being presented to Calderdale Council’s Cabinet.
Concerns have been raised by local groups about the use of free-standing advertising ‘A-boards’ on pavements in Calderdale town centres and the dangers they can pose, particularly for wheelchair and pushchair users, as well as the blind or partially sighted.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure there is a good balance between the opportunities for businesses to use this form of advertising and the importance of protecting all users of the footways and highways.
To inform the content of the suggested policy, the Council has consulted with local disability groups and gathered feedback from business groups, including Brighouse and Halifax Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). It has also looked at similar guidelines which have been introduced by neighbouring local authorities.
The policy being presented to Cabinet proposes a number of restrictions around who is permitted to erect an A-Board, where boards can go, how many are allowed and their maximum dimensions. This includes the requirement for businesses to have a maximum of one board and for there to be a gap of at least 1.8 metres on the footway.
It’s also important that the boards do not obstruct access to bus stops, taxi ranks or other frontages, or obscure visibility on the highway, for example by being too close to a junction.
Any breaches in this policy would be dealt with by the Council, firstly in the form of verbal notification, followed by written notification. If no action is taken to rectify the issues raised, the board would be removed and the owner notified.
If approved by the Council’s Cabinet, the policy would be introduced for a trial 12-month period, before being reviewed, with additional restrictions introduced if necessary.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“We understand the problems that can be caused by advertising boards on the public footway and we want the available space to be shared safely.
“We’ll carefully consider all the options presented in the paper with both footway users and businesses in mind. Our aim is to strike the right balance to meet the needs of all concerned, limiting the use of A-boards to only suitable locations, to make sure they can be used safely.
“This would be a 12-month trial and we’ll revisit the issue after this time to ensure the measures are suitable and effective.”
The policy around the use of A-boards will be discussed at the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 4 October 2021 at Halifax Town Hall, starting at 6pm. The meeting will also be streamed online