In response to the Budget announcement by Chancellor Rachel Reeves on Wednesday 30 October 2024, Cllr Jane Scullion, Leader of Calderdale Council, said:
“Like all councils across the country, in Calderdale we are facing the unprecedented pressures of increased demand for our services, more complex needs in our local communities and reduced budgets. Our current financial position is our biggest challenge yet.
“We welcome the Chancellor’s announcement of an additional £1.3 billion funding for local government, including much-needed support for social care, and the £1.1 billion for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as these are key areas driving many councils to financial difficulty.
“However, we will still face a significant gap in funding, and we still seek longer-term change and multi-year financial settlements at a national level. We will continue to join other councils in pushing for these.
“With inflation and an all-time high in requests for SEND assessments and support, we remain under intense financial pressure. We want Calderdale’s young people to thrive and achieve their best.
“To do all we can to support them, as well as the other people in our communities who need our help the most, we have some very hard decisions to make. This is despite our nationally recognised sound financial management and great work on providing early help to children who are looked after and people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.
“In view of this, we welcome more certainty from the Chancellor’s Budget on funding to support important prevention work with people at risk of homelessness, and the focus on housing investment at a time when we’re seeking to accelerate housing supply in Calderdale in line with our approved Local Plan.
“We are also reassured by the continuation of the Household Support Fund and discretionary housing payments, and investment in schools and local road maintenance. In support of our priority for thriving towns and places, we are pleased with the announced protection from the cost of business rates for small businesses and high street shops, hospitality and leisure.
“With £2.3 billion allocated nationally to Defra for flood resilience measures, we hope Calderdale will be considered for access to further investment, in recognition of the major challenges we face through living with the impacts of the climate emergency.
“We await more detail from the Government’s finance settlement for councils later this year. We look forward to playing our part in working with the Government on the phase 2 spending review and public sector reforms, and taking part in innovation initiatives to learn what works best.
“We will continue to work on a wide-ranging set of proposals to cut costs, reduce services and operate differently to set a legally required balanced budget, to adapt to new financial pressures and to deliver the best we can for our communities.”