Category Archives: Housing

This national Empty Homes Week, (Monday 3 March – Sunday 9 March) Calderdale Council is highlighting the support available and the work that takes place to help bring empty properties back into use, as well as the positive impacts that can be achieved. There are currently around 2500 homes in Calderdale which are unoccupied and… read more … about Turning empty houses into happy homes>>

Property in Shelf showing restoration

On the anniversary of Calderdale Council declaring a climate emergency, a new initiative is helping to shape climate action and supporting work to make Calderdale homes warmer, healthier and cheaper to heat. In early 2019, the Council declared a climate emergency in a bold move to step up its action to tackle climate change.  The… read more … about Calderdale Citizens’ Jury helps to shape climate action – supporting warmer and healthier homes>>

Cllr Patient at Citizens' jury event

Calderdale sports and fitness centres in Brighouse, Sowerby Bridge and Todmorden are now part of the network of warm and welcoming spaces in the borough. Warm and welcoming spaces are safe, friendly places where people can gather for free. Some venues offer hot drinks, activities and other services such as free wi-fi. There are lots of… read more … about Warm and welcoming spaces this winter>>

Cllr Durrans

Searching for information about local land charges in Calderdale is now easier and quicker, as the service has transferred to the national database. The Local Land Charges (LLC) register holds information about charges held against property, which could restrict its use or incur payment. Examples include planning conditions, listed buildings or tree preservation orders. When… read more … about Improving the property-buying process in Calderdale>>

Cllr Scott Patient outside Halifax Town Hall

Organisations across Calderdale have come together to help understand the best ways they can support residents to stay warm and well this winter. Calderdale Council, as part of the borough’s Anti-Poverty Partnership, hosted an event at the Shay Stadium in Halifax, exploring ways to help everyone to stay warm and live sustainably. The event welcomed over 120… read more … about Working together to promote cost of living support>>

People at the marketplace event at the Shay Stadium

Calderdale residents who are passionate about making a difference, are invited to take part in an exciting new initiative, helping to shape climate action and supporting work to make Calderdale homes warmer, healthier and cheaper to heat. Calderdale Council, working in partnership with Carbon Co-op, and Todmorden Learning Centre. is progressing work on the Calderdale… read more … about Join the Citizens’ Jury helping to shape climate action>>

Cllr Scott Patient outside Halifax Town Hall

Calderdale continues to be a place of sanctuary for Ukrainians living in the UK, after fleeing the war in their country. Just over two years on from the launch of the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme in Calderdale, around 200 Ukrainians now call the borough home. Thanks to the generosity of Calderdale people, many Ukrainian… read more … about Supporting Ukrainian communities in Calderdale>>

The Ukrainian choir, Hearts Apart, performing on a stage.

People in Calderdale are invited to share their thoughts to inform the creation of a Development Plan Document. This will outline how the Council can support the accommodation needs of Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities. There is a national requirement for the Council to prepare a ‘Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan… read more … about Supporting the needs of Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities>>

Calderdale logo

Residents at the newly completed Beech Hill community in Halifax, came together to celebrate the annual Great Get Together. Over 100 residents who recently moved into their new homes joined social housing landlord, Together Housing and local partners to mark the Great Get Together, celebrating diversity whilst coming together for the first time as a… read more … about Beech Hill residents join Together Housing and partners to celebrate The Great Get Together>>

Shelagh O'Neill