Category Archives: Partnership work

Cromwell Bottom nature reserve, near Brighouse, has welcomed some new and very important visitors this year, as a group of swifts have made the reserve their summer home. Cromwell Bottom is one of the most well-known nature reserves in Calderdale. It’s managed by Calderdale Council in partnership with the Cromwell Bottom Wildlife Group, with both… read more … about Swift action supports endangered wildlife>>

Swift in flight at Cromwell Bottom nature reserve

A plan to eradicate all road deaths and serious injuries across the region by 2040 has officially launched. The West Yorkshire Vision Zero Strategy is an innovative development in how road safety will be improved and lives saved. It will focus on the safe system approach – safe roads, behaviours, speeds, vehicles and an effective… read more … about Plan to stop road deaths and serious injuries in West Yorkshire launched>>

Vision Zero - No more road deaths or serious injuries

The next steps for the planned improvements around the A641, a key route through Brighouse, will be discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet. Calderdale Council is working with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to deliver a series of improvements to better connect communities between Bailiff Bridge, Brighouse, and Woodhouse, and improve options for walking, wheeling, cycling… read more … about Step forward for A641 improvements>>

Cllr Scott Patient outside Halifax Town Hall

As part of an annual awareness campaign, Calderdale Council is reminding residents to be prepared for the risk of flash flooding this summer. In recent weeks, there have been multiple weather warning and localised rainfall showers across parts of Yorkshire, acting as a reminder that sudden and heavy downpours are more likely in the summer… read more … about Be prepared and help to reduce flood risk in Calderdale>>

Cllr Patient in role as flood warden

Work to rebuild a fire-damaged Calderdale school is now complete, with a new and improved building ready to welcome pupils. On 1 February 2022, an arson attack at Ash Green Community Primary in Mixenden, near Halifax caused a huge fire, destroying four classrooms and other areas in the upper site of the school. The damage… read more … about Fantastic new learning facility rises from the ashes>>

Staff and pupils celebrate the opening of Ash Green School's new building

Residents at the newly completed Beech Hill community in Halifax, came together to celebrate the annual Great Get Together. Over 100 residents who recently moved into their new homes joined social housing landlord, Together Housing and local partners to mark the Great Get Together, celebrating diversity whilst coming together for the first time as a… read more … about Beech Hill residents join Together Housing and partners to celebrate The Great Get Together>>

Shelagh O'Neill

A week-long programme of events will highlight that safeguarding vulnerable children and adults is everyone’s business. Calderdale Safeguarding Partnership is joining partnerships across West Yorkshire to host activities and events as part of Safeguarding Week (Monday 24- Friday 28 June), an annual campaign to raise awareness of the support available to protect vulnerable children and… read more … about Events programme highlights that safeguarding is everyone’s business>>

Safeguarding Week 2024 logo

The opening of the innovative Industry 4.0 facility in Brighouse is set to transform the engineering and manufacturing sector across West Yorkshire, one of the Brighouse Town Deal projects. At a launch event on Friday 14 June, representatives from 19 businesses from the region visited the brand-new i4.0 Hub based at Calderdale College’s Engineering Centre… read more … about Transforming the future of manufacturing with Calderdale’s first Industry 4.0 hub>>

Industry 4.0 launch

Over 250 people gathered at the annual ‘We are Calderdale’ event in Halifax to celebrate 50 years of the borough of Calderdale, the realisation of Vision 2024, the ambitions for 2024 and beyond, and Calderdale’s Year of Culture. On Thursday 13 June, the Council held one of its biggest events of the year at Dean… read more … about Special event celebrates 50 years of Calderdale>>

Annapurna dance performing at We Are Calderdale