Work to install measures to improve the energy efficiency of Todmorden Sports Centre are beginning this week, as part of an ambitious project to reduce the carbon impact of the building and support Calderdale’s net zero targets.
Todmorden Sports Centre is currently one of the highest carbon emitting buildings in the Council’s estate. Following a successful bid to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s (BEIS) Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, work is taking place to install a number of measures to significantly reduce the carbon emissions associated with the building.
Works include the removal of existing gas boilers and replacement with air source heat pumps, installation of roof-mounted solar panels, replacement of the sand filters for the swimming pool with a modern energy efficient microfiltration system and the provision of a new electrical sub-station.
Over the next few weeks activity on site will increase, including groundworks to form the new external plant enclosure and substation base. Although this work will require the removal of a small number of trees, each tree will be replaced with the planting of two other native species.
The excavation works to form the enclosure will generate a significant amount of material. This would normally be removed from site, requiring numerous vehicle movements and the associated CO2 emissions. To reduce this, all of the excavated material will be utilised within the adjacent Centre Vale Park site.
Installation of the solar panels will commence later in September, providing a significant renewable contribution to the building’s power use in the future.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, Cllr Scott Patient, said:
“The works at Todmorden Sports Centre will have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the building and once complete, will save 275 tonnes of carbon emissions and reduce the carbon emissions associated with the energy use of the Council’s whole estate by around 6% per year.
“The decarbonisation work will support the Council’s priority to tackle the Climate Emergency and will help achieve Calderdale’s target to achieve net zero by 2038, with significant progress by 2030.”
During the works, every effort is being taken to minimise the disruption for those using the centre. There will be a temporary reduction in parking spaces in the upper car park during initial works. The installation of heat pumps and plant rooms later in the year will require the full closure of the upper car park due to the size of the crane required – dates and times will be publicised when confirmed. The path from the upper car park to the reception area will also be closed until early November, with an alternative route in place via the footpath on Ewood Lane and the main drive into the sports centre.
Centre users will be kept informed throughout the works and any impact on facilities within the centre will be well-publicised.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:
“The works taking place at Todmorden Sports Centre are so important to ensure we can reduce the emissions associated with this building. Although the work is complex and will result in some short-term disruption to centre users, we’ve carefully planned the project to ensure that this is kept to an absolute minimum.
“Not only will the project bring benefits for the environment, but the state-of-the-art heating and plant facilities being installed will improve system reliability and reduce any disruption associated with the current ageing boiler systems.”
The project is funded by £1.7million from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme. A further Council contribution of £350,000 will support the project.