An update on the potential local impacts of the UK’s exit from the European Union, and Calderdale Council’s work to mitigate risks, will be discussed at the next Cabinet meeting on Monday 18 March.
The Council continues to work with other organisations to do everything possible to get ready for the UK leaving the EU on 29 March 2019.
With national uncertainty about whether the departure will go ahead with or without a negotiated deal, the Council is preparing for each possible outcome and has updated its risk assessment.
This updated list of impacts, risks and actions covers several areas, including business and the economy; workforce and skills; community cohesion and migration; and the provision of medicines and health services.
The risk assessment is based on information from the Government, research, expert opinion and guidance from the Local Government Association. The Council is regularly monitoring and updating the list as more information becomes available.
Cllr Tim Swift, Calderdale Council’s Leader, said:
“We continue to do all we can to help our staff, residents, businesses and other local organisations be as prepared as possible for Brexit. We know that people have questions about what leaving the EU means for them and for Calderdale.
“Although there is still great uncertainty and we don’t have all the answers, we are committed to providing the most up-to-date information and advice as it becomes available, and we want to assure people that we have plans in place to deal with a range of potential impacts.”
Brexit has been a regular topic for discussion by the Council’s Audit Committee. In July 2018, the Committee asked if the possible impact of Brexit on local government be could be included on the Strategic Risk Register. At the October 2018 Audit Committee meeting it was agreed to do this, and an updated ‘leaving the EU’ report was presented at the Committee meeting in January 2019.
Work is ongoing within the Council and with partner organisations to prepare for the exit from the EU. The Council and the Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce have met recently and continue to work together to help businesses to be as ready as possible. The Council is working closely with the NHS regarding the supply of medicines and workforce issues; is updating key suppliers and contractors; and has created a Council team to support Brexit preparations.
This team takes part in weekly ‘leaving the EU’ teleconferences through the West Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum, to ensure that business continuity arrangements are in place across the region. They also contribute to national information gathering through the lead Chief Executives group, which includes the Chief Executive of Leeds City Council.
The continuing work to identify and manage the impacts and risks of Brexit will be discussed at the Council’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 18 March at Halifax Town Hall from 6pm.