Residents in Calderdale could soon have an interest free option to make improvements to the energy efficiency of their homes, as Calderdale Council’s Cabinet discusses plans for a new loans service.
Cabinet will look at plans to allow for the introduction of secured Energy Repayment Loans, which would enable lower income households to borrow up to £3,000; allowing them to spread the cost of energy efficiency works in their homes over an affordable repayment term.
The scheme is being offered by the Yorkshire and Humber Homes and Loans service, of which Calderdale Council is a member. The Council would make available £300,000 for the loans which would be on an interest free basis, with repayments staged over three years.
Funds could be used for a number of energy efficient home improvements, such as new central heating systems, replacement boilers and insulation for lofts, attic rooms, cavity and solid walled homes, depending what is needed. These works would improve thermal comfort resulting in lower heating costs, reduced energy bills and a healthier home environment. They can also reduce the risk of cold related illnesses and lower carbon emissions.
The administration of the loan would be provided by Sheffield City Council, as lead member of the Yorkshire and Humber Homes and Loans service and loans would be subject to application and affordability.
The loans would initially be available for homeowners, but an additional similar loan product would be developed for private landlords, targeted at the properties with the worst energy ratings.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Environment, Cllr Daniel Sutherland, said:
“Around 40,000 homes in Calderdale were built in the early 20th century and many of these have a low energy efficiency rating because of their older heating systems and lack of insulation. The Energy Repayment Loans would make energy saving work more affordable, allowing residents to spread the cost and make their homes warmer, healthier and cheaper to heat.
“Householders will make savings in the cost of their energy bills, this saving could be more than the cost of the monthly loan repayment, putting money back into the household straight away.
“This would be part of our wider work on the Calderdale Affordable Warmth programme which will further support lower income and vulnerable households to make their homes warmer.”
The item will be discussed at the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet at Halifax Town Hall on Monday 10 October from 6pm.