Feedback from local people and organisations is being used to help shape plans to improve walking and cycling provision in north and west Halifax.
Calderdale Council, in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, is working on two projects which focus on a number of changes to roads and facilities around the areas of north and west of Halifax.
The projects aim to create places where people choose to make trips on foot, bicycle, scooter and bus, by making it an easier, safer and more pleasant experience. Making trips in these ways also helps improve health and the environment.
In March 2023, local people were invited to see the most up to date plans for the projects and share their thoughts. This included sessions with local interested organisations, such as businesses, community groups, bus operators, disability groups and cycling forums.
Community information events for each area also provided local people with the opportunity to review the updated proposals, see updates to the designs made in response to previous consultations and give feedback on updated proposals.
The feedback gathered at these sessions and through engagement received online has now been used to shape the development of the next stage of detailed designs for each of the projects.
Although there was strong support for many aspects of the schemes, some specific feedback showed that changes needed to be considered for some parts of the designs.
In north Halifax, local feedback has been used to amend the plans, with current parking provision along Cousin Lane in Ovenden to be retained and amendments being made to the design of the proposed cycle lane on this road. The number of trees being lost has also reduced, with the revised scheme including the loss of just one tree and additional trees being planted to compensate for this small loss.
The revised plans for the north Halifax scheme will be on display at a community information event on Wednesday 13 December from 3-7pm at Forest Cottage on Cousin Lane.
In west Halifax, following local feedback, some formal parking provision will be introduced in the area. In addition, further planting and appropriately positioned seating will support improvements to local landscaping and this will be complemented by the introduction of a new high-quality surface and wider pavements to promote walking to the town centre.
The changes made to the north and west schemes have helped to ensure that they are shaped by the people directly impacted. The Full Business Case incorporating these updated proposals will soon be submitted to the Combined Authority and pending further approvals, construction is expected in late 2024/ early 2025.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Active Travel and Housing, Cllr Scott Patient, said:
“These important local schemes in both north and west Halifax support improvements to make cycling, walking and the use of public transport more appealing for local communities.
“A large amount of technical research has been used to develop these proposals, but it’s so important that we continue to hear from local people to get their thoughts about the designs, so we can incorporate their local knowledge into our plans.
“The recent engagement exercise resulted in some useful feedback, which is being used to review and amend the final designs. It was also great to hear so much positive feedback for the plans and active travel and how they will make journeys to Halifax town centre more pleasant, safer and easier.”
Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire, said:
“Making it easier to walk, cycle and use public transport is at the heart of our plans to create a more inclusive and better-connected region.
“Nobody is better placed to help us shape these plans than the communities we serve.
“Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share their feedback to help us get this right.”
More information can be found at North Halifax Improved Streets for People | Calderdale Next Chapter(external link) or West Halifax Improved Streets for People | Calderdale Next Chapter(external link).
The proposals are being delivered in partnership with funding from two of the Combined Authority’s programmes, the Transforming Cities Fund and Streets for People, both of which are aimed at making it easier for people to walk, cycle and use public transport.