Tackling climate change is a joint effort and we can all play our part.
That’s why Calderdale Council is proposing to create a new Climate Action Partnership to help reduce carbon emissions as a multi-agency group, with members from the Council, Calderdale Youth Council, local businesses, the voluntary and community sector, the NHS and local housing organisations.
If approved by Cabinet on Monday 6 June, the new partnership would replace the Climate Change Cabinet Working Party, which the Council set up after declaring a climate emergency in January 2019.
Over the last three years, the Working Party has made good progress towards Calderdale’s target to be carbon neutral by 2038, with significant progress by 2030. Working with local communities, achievements include:
- Releasing the Emissions Reduction Pathway to highlight the scale of the challenge to achieve net zero carbon, using science and evidence.
- Developing and taking action on a range of carbon reduction projects.
- Aligning climate action priorities across Calderdale partner organisations.
- Listening to and learning from best practice and the experiences of communities affected by climate change.
To build on this work, but with a proposed stronger collaborative approach following a review of the Working Party, the new Climate Action Partnership would oversee the delivery of a place-based, multi-agency Climate Action Plan for the borough. Individual task groups focusing on specific topics, such as transport, nature and buildings, would develop actions that have the biggest impact on reducing carbon emissions. There would be regular public meetings and annual reporting on progress.
Cllr Scott Patient, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, said:
“Action on climate change is one of the Council’s three corporate priorities. The scale of change needed across Calderdale to achieve a carbon neutral borough means that working together across sectors and communities is essential. We have a much better chance of cutting carbon emissions if we work together as a whole place.
“Drawing on Calderdale’s talent, we appreciate the contribution that a wide range of partners make. From young people and businesses to health and housing sectors, their perspectives and expertise would be of great value to the Climate Action Partnership, and ultimately, the protection of our environment.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting will take place on Monday 6 June 2022 from 6pm at Halifax Town Hall, and can also be watched at https://calderdale.public-i.tv/core/portal/home(external link)