In response to today’s government announcement that Calderdale will remain in Tier 3: Very High Alert restrictions, Cllr Tim Swift, the Leader of Calderdale Council, said:
“We know this will be a disappointment for many residents and businesses, especially so close to Christmas.
“We want anyone who is struggling to know that they are not alone and support is still available – for those most at risk, for those self-isolating, and for businesses that have had to close or have been badly affected by the pandemic.
“We need to keep working together under these restrictions because the COVID-19 rate in Calderdale is still too high – eight times higher than it was at the end of August. However, our rate is continuing to come down, and we thank you all for your help with this.
“Let’s focus on keeping each other safe during the festive period and in the new year ahead. It’s a time of celebration, but the best way we can show love and care is by sticking to the three big things we can all do to protect each other – keep contact with other people to a minimum, wear a face covering indoors with people we don’t live with, and self-isolate when necessary.
“Let’s also focus on a brighter 2021 with hope and determination. We’ve come a long way since March and have achieved so much. Last week our local contact tracers contacted every person referred to them – a 100% contact rate is outstanding. The continued success of our local test and trace service, enhanced community testing, the vaccine rollout and major projects to boost our economy give us plenty to be optimistic about.
“Most of all, let’s keep sticking together with the kindness and compassion that have made everyone so proud in 2020, and which got us through the most difficult times. Let’s keep being Calderdale.”
For more information about Tier 3 restrictions, visit Local restriction tiers: what you need to know(external link).
What are we doing to prevent and control COVID-19 in Calderdale?
We will continue to live with COVID-19 for the foreseeable future. In line with Calderdale’s Outbreak Prevention and Control Plan, the Council, local partner organisations and communities are working together to protect people from the virus and to prevent and manage outbreaks. This includes:
- Engaging with and supporting communities, particularly in areas of high infection rates, and helping local businesses to be COVID-secure
- Increasing and improving access to testing for residents
- Carrying out local contact tracing to support the national Test and Trace service
- Providing support to people to enable them to self-isolate
- Enforcing COVID-19 restrictions.
For up-to-date and reliable information about COVID-19, use trusted sources such as:
www.gov.uk/coronavirus(external link)
www.nhs.uk/coronavirus(external link)