Category Archives: All news

Delivered by the team at Marketing Halifax and supported by Calderdale Council, Borough Market and The Woolshops, the eighth annual Halifax Food & Drink Festival has been announced to take place on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 June 2015.  Saturday 20 June offers a live demonstration kitchen with chefs and local producers taking to the… read more … about Halifax Food & Drink Festival Announced>>

Students and their families are saddling up for a day of all things cycling, as Calderdale Council, Brooksbank School and Pedalsport Cycling Club host their first ever track party. The family fun day, funded by the Council, will roll into action at Brooksbank School’s cycle circuit in Elland on Sunday 19 April from 9am to… read more … about Cycling fun day is ready to roll>>

Brooksbank cycle circut

New ways to tackle low pay will be discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet at the next meeting at 6pm on 13 April 2015 at Halifax Town Hall. Calderdale Council introduced the Living Wage in April 2014, raising the income of over 250 Council workers.  The Council is also working hard to encourage other local employers… read more … about Calderdale takes the lead on low pay>>

Calderdale Council

Parents of young children in Calderdale are being given a helping hand with their childcare arrangements, as Calderdale Council is offering free early years education places to around 40% of the borough’s two year olds.  More than 900 two year old children across Calderdale are expected to benefit from the free offer of early years… read more … about Free education places for two year olds>>

2 year old

Statement from Cllr Baines, Leader of Calderdale Council: “We always take allegations of sexual offences against children seriously and work closely with the West Yorkshire Police and Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board (CSCB) to protect children from physical, emotional and sexual abuse.  We have been actively involved in this case and will continue to work with… read more … about Safeguarding children – Charges brought in child sexual exploitation case>>

Calderdale Council

Families living in poverty will be given a helping hand thanks to new services offering practical and emotional support. Calderdale Council is about to award more than £100,000 to local voluntary organisations so they can launch new projects to help tackle family poverty. A variety of organisations bid for money from the Council’s Child Poverty… read more … about Support for families living in poverty>>

Calderdale Council

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet has approved budget proposals which include freezing Council Tax for a second year. This will allow the Council to qualify for the Government’s Council Tax Freeze Grant. The draft proposals, which were revealed at a Cabinet meeting on 12 January 2015 at Halifax Town Hall, outline the Cabinet’s priorities for the year… read more … about Calderdale’s Council Tax freeze continues>>


Calderdale Council is supporting White Ribbon Day, a national campaign being marked today (Tuesday 25 November) which aims to tackle domestic abuse. The White Ribbon flag is flying at Halifax Town Hall all day today, highlighting the Council’s pledge to never condone or remain silent about physical violence and other forms of abuse against women…. read more … about Taking a stand against domestic abuse>>

White Ribbon