Category Archives: Children

 West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) ran its first ‘Bike Bus’ from Illingworth fire station to Whitehill Community Academy on 24 May, in partnership Calderdale Council. The launch of the new ‘Bike Bus’ comes following the huge success of the Bike Libraries scheme which launched on 18 April 2017. The cycling bus will see… read more … about First ‘Bike Bus’ to run from Illingworth fire station>>

Bike bus

A life changing project which supports Calderdale families has won national recognition at the Restorative Practice Awards, which celebrate the work done by schools, employers, communities and the Criminal Justice System. Calderdale Council’s ‘Sleep on it’ project won the ‘Children and Families’ category at the 2017 awards ceremony for the work it has done in… read more … about Council scoops award for ‘Sleep on it’>>

Calderdale needs foster carers, and this Foster Care Fortnight (8 – 22 May 2017) the Council is stepping up its campaign to recruit more. Foster Care Fortnight is The Fostering Network’s national campaign to raise awareness of fostering. In support of this, and the North of England ‘You Can Foster’ campaign, the Council is using… read more … about Fostering – do something incredible>>

Construction of a £4.2m state of the art teaching block has started at Todmorden High School in Calderdale.   Funded by Calderdale Council, the new two-storey building will have space for 16 classrooms.    Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, Cllr Megan Swift said:  “I’m delighted work is now underway at Todmorden High… read more … about Building starts at Todmorden High School>>

Todmorden High School

An inquiry into Children’s Social Care in England has recognised the work of Calderdale Council’s Social Workers in supporting vulnerable children.  The ‘No Good Options’ report summarises the findings of the inquiry by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children.  The inquiry found that young people who are looked after are happier and more successful… read more … about Social work in Calderdale praised in Parliament>>

Cllr Megan Swift

Local disabled people should have equal access to all areas of Calderdale so they can live independently within the community.    Calderdale Council is developing a new strategy to support disabled people and re-design services which may prevent people from being independent.    The Council now wants to hear the experiences of disabled people, family members, carers,… read more … about Have your say on the All Age Disability Strategy>>

Calderdale logo

The choices available for Calderdale students who want to continue studying after their GCSEs will be considered by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet at the next meeting on Monday 3 April 2017.  Recent changes to the government funding of post-16 education mean that the majority of schools now receive less money for A level students and some… read more … about Changes in Calderdale to post-16 options>>

Cllr Megan Swift

An innovative new way of working to better support young people in care has now officially launched in Calderdale.  The Positive Choices programme looks to reduce the number of children being taken into care by supporting young people throughout pregnancy and early years.   A significant number of children who are looked after or care… read more … about Supporting young people to make Positive Choices>>

Positive Choices launch

Calderdale Council’s Children’s Social Care team has been recognised for its work on identifying and supporting children who regularly miss school.  Ofsted’s National Director of Social Care, Eleanor Schooling CBE, publishes a monthly commentary in which she discusses the major issues facing children’s services across the country and shares what has been learned during recent… read more … about Ofsted praises Council’s work to keep kids safe from CSE>>

Calderdale Council