The opening of the innovative Industry 4.0 facility in Brighouse is set to transform the engineering and manufacturing sector across West Yorkshire, one of the Brighouse Town Deal projects. At a launch event on Friday 14 June, representatives from 19 businesses from the region visited the brand-new i4.0 Hub based at Calderdale College’s Engineering Centre… read more … about Transforming the future of manufacturing with Calderdale’s first Industry 4.0 hub>>
Category Archives: Digital
Work at the new Mixenden Community Hub is entering the final stages. Calderdale Council is delivering the new hub building in Mixenden, which will become the heart of the local community – a place where residents can go to access a range of services and opportunities. Work has been progressing well, with the building exterior… read more … about Community hub for Mixenden nearing completion>>
Joint press release with West Yorkshire Combined Authority Wednesday 13 July: Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre: 11am until 2pm A new business support programme offering free and tailored advice for new businesses or budding entrepreneurs is launching this week in Calderdale. Start-Up West Yorkshire(external link), Calderdale, is a new initiative, led by the Mayor of West… read more … about Launch of Start-Up West Yorkshire, Calderdale>>
Calderdale residents looking to progress their learning, gain a new skill, train or retrain for employment, or simply meet new friends, are invited to Calderdale Adult Learning’s (CAL) annual fun, friendly and free open day at Heath campus, just outside Halifax town centre. On Saturday 18 June from 10am – 1pm, everyone is welcome to… read more … about Find out how you can learn, upskill and retrain, at CAL’s welcoming open day>>

Press release with AD:VENTURE programme An animation studio with associates around the world and its headquarters in Hebden Bridge is certainly not ‘fed up’ with its success. FedUP Studio Lab was set up by two creatives ‘fed up’ with the London studio scene, who quit to establish their own ethical and sustainable business instead. The… read more … about International animation company makes Hebden Bridge home>>
The popular Get Organised event is back for 2021, for young people in Calderdale to find out more about the options available after GCSEs. On Tuesday 12 October, Calderdale Council, in partnership with Leeds Beckett University, is hosting a special virtual event, primarily aimed at students in Year 11 and their families. The event is… read more … about Virtual event helps young people to Get Organised>>
Calderdale residents are invited to put their questions about the end of national COVID restrictions to a panel of experts at a live online Q&A event this week. Calderdale Council’s Facebook page will host the next in a series of popular question and answer sessions, live from 7pm on Thursday 22 July 2021. The event… read more … about ‘What’s next?’ – ask our expert panel>>

As part of the ongoing recovery from COVID-19, Calderdale Council continues to reshape its services to ensure they are fit-for-purpose, protect the most vulnerable people and help deliver a more sustainable financial position for the Future Council. The pandemic has brought many challenges, but also opportunities to transform the way the Council meets local people’s… read more … about Supporting our residents most at risk>>
Households across Calderdale are receiving letters with online codes explaining how they can take part in Census 2021. The census, run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every ten… read more … about Get ready for Census 2021>>