Category Archives: Children

Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board (CSCB) has received national recognition for its work to protect vulnerable children from sexual exploitation, trafficking and going missing.   The Board was highly commended in the Children’s Services category at the MJ Local Government Achievement Awards which was held in London on 18 June 2015.  Richard Burrows, Chair of the Calderdale… read more … about Calderdale highly commended for keeping children safe>>

Calderdale Council

Calderdale students are benefiting from a partnership between their schools which is the first of its kind in Yorkshire. The Crossley Heath School is working very closely with Park Lane Learning Trust to open up further learning opportunities for the students there. Shared staffing, mentoring schemes, joint projects, mixed sporting opportunities, new friendships and rising… read more … about Students benefit as schools join forces>>

Young people looked after by Calderdale Council and those leaving care could be given more apprenticeship and work experience opportunities if proposals are approved by Cabinet on Monday 15 June. Under the proposals, the youngsters would secure placements with the Council in areas that they are keen to work in, giving them a stepping stone… read more … about Proposed apprenticeship boost for children in care>>

Cllr Megan Swift

All taxi drivers and private hire licence holders in Calderdale will receive compulsory training on spotting and reporting signs of child sexual exploitation (CSE).  Calderdale Council took the decision on the recommendation of its Licensing and Regulatory Committee.   Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Marcus Thompson said: “Safeguarding people is everyone’s business. As taxi… read more … about Taxi driver test helps keep kids safe>>

Calderdale Council

Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board (CSCB) has been shortlisted for a prestigious national award thanks to its work to protect vulnerable children from sexual exploitation, trafficking and going missing.  The Board is one of the finalists in the Children’s Services category of the MJ Local Government Achievement Awards.    Richard Burrows, Chair of the Calderdale Safeguarding Children… read more … about Work to keep children safe is up for national award>>

Calderdale Council

Schools in Calderdale are gearing up for the Tour de Yorkshire, with 10 schools in the east of the borough taking part in their own inter-school cycle racing competition on Thursday 30 April and Friday 1 May.   Pupils from schools in the ECLC (East Calderdale Learning Community) will come together to battle it out in… read more … about School pedal power>>

TDY logo

Students and their families are saddling up for a day of all things cycling, as Calderdale Council, Brooksbank School and Pedalsport Cycling Club host their first ever track party. The family fun day, funded by the Council, will roll into action at Brooksbank School’s cycle circuit in Elland on Sunday 19 April from 9am to… read more … about Cycling fun day is ready to roll>>

Brooksbank cycle circut