Category Archives: Education and learning

A new school providing specialist education could be built in Calderdale, as the Council’s Cabinet consider options to increase places for those with special education needs. The shortage of specialist school placements is a national issue and one which is reflected locally. Calderdale currently has a significant shortfall in provision for pupils with special needs… read more … about Options to increase specialist education provision in Calderdale>>

Cllr Adam Wilkinson

A new Assistant Director has boosted Calderdale Council’s Children and Young People’s Services senior management team. Jemima Flintoff has joined the Council as Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion, leading services supporting schools and delivering strategic improvement in education and inclusion across the borough. Jemima has joined the local authority from North Lincolnshire Council, where she… read more … about Top class appointment for education role>>

Photo of the new Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion, Jemima Flintoff

On GCSE results day, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, Cllr Adam Wilkinson, said: “Congratulations to everyone receiving their GCSE results today. Collecting these exam results is a real milestone moment and the culmination of an awful lot of hard work. “I’m so proud of every student who’s given their all… read more … about Celebrating GCSE results day>>

Cllr Adam Wilkinson outside Halifax Town Hall

Adult learning services provided by Calderdale Council have received a glowing report from Ofsted, showing that they continue to make a difference for local people. In an inspection in June 2024, Ofsted found that Calderdale Adult Learning has maintained a ‘good’ rating. Publication of the inspection report comes as Calderdale Adult Learning’s new prospectus for… read more … about Glowing report for Calderdale Adult Learning>>

Jade, Calderdale Adult Learning Student Ambassador

Work to rebuild a fire-damaged Calderdale school is now complete, with a new and improved building ready to welcome pupils. On 1 February 2022, an arson attack at Ash Green Community Primary in Mixenden, near Halifax caused a huge fire, destroying four classrooms and other areas in the upper site of the school. The damage… read more … about Fantastic new learning facility rises from the ashes>>

Staff and pupils celebrate the opening of Ash Green School's new building

Press release from Delta Academies Trust We are delighted that Delta Academies Trust, in partnership with Calderdale Council, has received Department for Education approval to open a new Alternative Provision free school for children aged 8-16. This will increase the number of high-quality alternative provision places in the Calderdale area, to inspire and support young people… read more … about New Alternative Provision free school for children aged 8-16>>

Cllr Adam Wilkinson outside Halifax Town Hall

Options to increase capacity for specialist education provision in Calderdale are being discussed at the meeting of Calderdale’s Cabinet on Monday 11 March 2024. The shortage of specialist school placements is a national issue and one which is reflected locally. The number of children in Calderdale requiring an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) has… read more … about Increasing support for children with special education>>

Cllr Adam Wilkinson

More people in Calderdale could have access to new skills, quality jobs, good pay and opportunities for progression. Calderdale Council’s Adult Learning service and other local organisations could provide training through ‘Skills Bootcamps’, as part of a proposed £450,000 funding boost from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The Combined Authority currently delivers the Bootcamps to… read more … about Helping Calderdale’s talent to thrive>>

Cllr Silvia Dacre, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Resources

Calderdale Council has congratulated a local school for achieving the highest possible rating from Ofsted. Parkinson Lane Community Primary School in Halifax was rated outstanding in all areas in its latest inspection. That means top marks for overall effectiveness, the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision…. read more … about ‘Life-changing’ school rated outstanding>>

Cllr Adam Wilkinson