Press release from Delta Academies Trust
We are delighted that Delta Academies Trust, in partnership with Calderdale Council, has received Department for Education approval to open a new Alternative Provision free school for children aged 8-16. This will increase the number of high-quality alternative provision places in the Calderdale area, to inspire and support young people to re-engage in learning.
The purpose-built school will allow our young people to benefit from a broad, enriching and inclusive curriculum, delivered through outstanding teaching and learning. The school will follow the highly successful Delta model, which incorporates the blueprint of the DfE’s alternative provision Taskforce pilot, embedding multi-agency support within a school setting.
The new school will provide a state-of-the-art environment for students to undertake their studies in a high-quality setting. We are excited we will be able to offer an ambitious range of academic and technical subjects, underpinned by individualised pastoral support, care and career guidance, which will equip students with the skills and knowledge to help them take their next steps in education, training or employment.
We look forward to working with Calderdale Council and a wide range of stakeholders to deliver this inspiring project.
Jo Pittard, Executive Principal, Delta Academies Trust said:
“Our vision is for students to feel safe, valued and part of a community, so that they develop a sense of self-belief, aspiration and pride in their ability and achievements.
“We look forward to working closely with young people, parents, staff and wider stakeholders to realise this vision.”
Paul Tarn CEO, Delta Academies Trust, said:
“I am delighted that more young people will have the opportunity to benefit from the personalised approach to learning and the outstanding enrichment curriculum which has been rightly recognised by OFSTED at Delta’s current alternative provision academies.
“I look forward to working with Jo, the wider team and key local stakeholders to deliver this exciting project for the benefit of local young people and the wider community.”
Cllr Adam Wilkinson, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, said:
“We are delighted that our joint bid with Delta Academies Trust for a new alternative provision free school has been successful. This will result in a brand new, purpose-built facility in Calderdale to support some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people.
“It will contribute towards our priority to reduce inequalities, and our commitment to support young people to have the best possible start in life and to reach their full potential.
“We already have a good alternative provision academy in Calderdale, run by Impact Education Multi Academy Trust, which the new partnership with Delta will add to. Together, both facilities will support our aspiration to meet a broad range of educational needs and to ensure that pupils who are struggling to engage with their learning are supported to get back on track and achieve their best.”