Residents in Calderdale will soon receive important advice to support them to stay warm, safe and well throughout this winter. The latest version of the Winter Wise guide is being sent to all households in Calderdale, with updated advice on a range of topics to help support residents through the winter period. The guide has… read more … about Helping you stay safe, well and Winter Wise>>
Category Archives: Household energy
Calderdale residents are reaping the rewards of free home improvement measures being offered to make their homes warmer, more energy efficient and reduce fuel bills. Calderdale Council is working in partnership with Eclipse Energy and Better Homes Yorkshire to deliver Phase Two of the Local Area Delivery (LAD) of the Government’s Green Homes Grant with funding… read more … about Calderdale homeowners benefitting from Government insulation scheme>>

The second phase of an extensive programme of work to regenerate the Beech Hill area of Halifax is being discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 2 August 2021. Members will discuss proposals and funding arrangements to carry out improvement work on 70 existing properties in the Beech Hill area. This second phase of work… read more … about Transforming the Beech Hill area of Halifax>>
Monday 21 January is the start of Big Energy Saving Week and Calderdale Council is reminding people of the support available to stay warm this winter. The Council’s Affordable Warmth Team has teamed up with the local Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) to help people cut energy bills and get the financial support they are entitled… read more … about Helping people stay warm this winter>>

Calderdale Council and Better Homes Yorkshire have secured over £1 million investment to provide fully funded insulation for the attic bedrooms or lofts of 500 Calderdale homes. The work, which is a simple process that can be completed in a week, is part of the Council’s affordable warmth programme and the Leeds City Region Enterprise… read more … about Free attic bedroom insulation for homes across Calderdale>>

More than £500,000 to be spent on target homes across Calderdale More than 100 households across Calderdale will save money on their energy bills thanks to an investment into energy efficiency measures for expensive to insulate homes. Funding is being made available by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority that will mean 115 properties will have… read more … about More than 100 homes to benefit from better insulation thanks to new funding>>
Calderdale households could soon benefit from better value energy supplies, as Calderdale Council discusses joining the White Rose Energy scheme. White Rose Energy is a not-for-profit energy supply partnership, created by Leeds City Council. It aims to provide better value energy tariffs for homes across the Yorkshire and Humber region and more specifically, for low… read more … about Switching on to better value energy>>
Residents in Calderdale could soon have an interest free option to make improvements to the energy efficiency of their homes, as Calderdale Council’s Cabinet discusses plans for a new loans service. Cabinet will look at plans to allow for the introduction of secured Energy Repayment Loans, which would enable lower income households to borrow up… read more … about Making energy efficiency more affordable>>
Ambitious plans to tackle climate change and boost people’s health and the economy will be discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet today (Monday 7 March). Climate change has been described as the “biggest global health risk of the 21st century”. The Council is determined to tackle this, making sure everyone in the organisation plays its part…. read more … about Calderdale takes its Vitamin Green>>