Category Archives: Roads and Highways

People are being asked for their views on the latest proposals to create three ‘shared transport hubs’ in Todmorden and Hebden Bridge. Shared transport hubs are one-stop shops for transport services, with plans in Calderdale including facilities for car club vehicle parking locations, electric vehicle charging, secure cycle parking, access to shared e-bikes and bike… read more … about A new way of providing transport services could be coming to Calderdale as plans take another step forward>>

Hebden Bridge

Calderdale Council is determined to transform travel in and around Hebden Bridge, to ensure that all who travel into the town can do so in a way that is safe, better for people’s health and supports local businesses.   In line with these priorities, the Council is in the final stages of delivering a £5… read more … about Transforming travel in and around Hebden Bridge>>

Hebden Bridge

Calderdale Council has reviewed its winter service plans this year to help deliver required budget savings whilst keeping Calderdale safe and moving during wintry weather. The winter service includes gritting, which involves spreading rock salt on roads to prevent ice forming and to melt any existing ice.   This year’s budget, approved by Council in February… read more … about Preparing for ice and snow>>

Calderdale Council is highlighting the importance of road safety, with a commitment to prioritise work to reduce road deaths and injuries on Calderdale roads. The Council recognises the urgent need to prioritise road safety across the borough and the wider West Yorkshire region.  Sadly, there were 478 people injured on Calderdale roads in the last… read more … about Supporting safer journeys to Vision Zero>>

Cllr Tim Swift

Local people are being asked to share further feedback on proposals to make moving around the Skircoat area of Calderdale, more pleasant, safe and convenient for people walking, wheeling and cycling. Skircoat is a residential area to the south of Halifax that includes large parks, local retail centres and the Calderdale Royal Hospital. Calderdale Council… read more … about Have your say on improvements to streets in Skircoat>>

Cllr Scott Patient outside Halifax Town Hall

Todmorden residents are invited to have their say on updated plans for walking and cycling routes through the town. The Active Todmorden project is one of the eight projects which make up the £17.5 million Todmorden Town Deal programme, which is funded by the UK Government and overseen by Todmorden Town Board. Calderdale Council is… read more … about Changes afoot for Active Todmorden project>>

Cllr Sarah Courtney outside Halifax Town Hall

A plan to eradicate all road deaths and serious injuries across the region by 2040 has officially launched. The West Yorkshire Vision Zero Strategy is an innovative development in how road safety will be improved and lives saved. It will focus on the safe system approach – safe roads, behaviours, speeds, vehicles and an effective… read more … about Plan to stop road deaths and serious injuries in West Yorkshire launched>>

Vision Zero - No more road deaths or serious injuries

A free shuttle bus, currently in operation in Halifax town centre and the west of the town, has expanded its route to better support access whilst improvement works are taking place. Calderdale Council is delivering the A629 phase 2 Halifax town centre project, an ambitious regeneration project which is funded by UK Government through the… read more … about Free shuttle bus supports town centre access>>

Next Chapter

Work is due to begin on a new town square for Sowerby Bridge, providing a flexible and welcoming space, with improved facilities for pedestrians. The new Sowerby Bridge Square will be built on the site of the old market building and will include landscaping, with tree planting and rain gardens. The area will be welcoming… read more … about Starting work on new community space for Sowerby Bridge>>

Artist's impression showing how the new Sowerby Bridge Square could look.