Businesses in Calderdale are invited to a free two-day event packed with expert advice to help their enterprise grow and flourish.
The Let’s Do Business event, hosted by Business Growth Calderdale on behalf of Calderdale Council, aims to provide small and medium sized businesses with the knowledge, confidence and connections to help them succeed and overcome specific challenges they may be facing.
The event is taking place at the Elsie Whitely Innovation Centre in Halifax on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 September 2022 and includes a series of practical workshops hosted by business experts, covering everything from starting a business and recruitment to strategic marketing and reducing your environmental footprint.
There are six workshops all together, each of which can be booked separately. There are with 20 places available for each session.
The full schedule is as follows:
Day 1
Workshop 1 – Understanding and reducing your environmental footprint
Workshop 2 – Strategic marketing and decision making
Workshop 3 – Women in leadership and management
Workshop 4 – Overcoming ‘Imposter Syndrome’
Day 2
Workshop 5 – The Employment Hub, a free recruitment service
Workshop 6 – How to start a business with ‘Business Start-Up West Yorkshire’
The first day is aimed at enterprises which operate predominantly in a business-to-business market. Those eligible to attend are SME businesses which have been operating for at least three years, have fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than £42 million (globally). For more information about eligibility, email businessgrowth@calderdale.gov.uk
The second day provides more general advice and support and is open to all Calderdale businesses.
The events are all free of charge, but places must be reserved for each session. This can be done at
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lets-do-business-tickets-404610529987(external link)
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“We understand that these are concerning times for many businesses, as we all face the impacts of the rising cost of living. The Let’s Do Business event is an opportunity for local businesses to receive free expert advice to help them achieve specific goals or overcome challenges, as well as build the skills and confidence needed to succeed. Each workshop covers a specific theme, so businesses can pick the sessions which will be of most benefit.
“Events like this support the many small and medium sized businesses in the borough and raise awareness of the wide range of assistance available through Business Growth Calderdale.”
Our business support offer is part of our Vision 2024 for Calderdale as a distinctive place where residents can realise their potential whoever they are, and where talent and enterprise can thrive. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? What’s our ambition and what will be different? Visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision